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“This way.” The old man says as he leads the way into a back room. The room is overly cluttered with car parts and other things neither of them can make out. Xavier and Mark eye each other, acknowledging the poor state of that room, which was a reflection of the man himself.
“There.” He says as he points at an even older desktop, covered in so much dust a seed could grow on it. The CPU is beneath what seems like a chair, seems like because it is halfway bent, and the headrest is broken right in the middle. The man turns to look at the two cops, already aware of their concerns.
“That thing is so old I doubt it has been recording anything.” He says comfortably. Clearly, he is not in the least bit bothered by any of this.
“Record…? Can this desktop even fire up?” Xavier asks, unable to conceal his shock, as he walks towards the desktop. Well, more like squeezes himself through the clatter. The man lets out a sadistic laughter that automatically discourages them.
“I wouldn’t know. I haven’t used it in over two years.’ He responds before asking; “Why can’t I just describe whatever it is you are looking for? I am always here anyway.”
Mark raises one eyebrow as if to question the man’s certainty, and reliability considering he was asleep when they came in. Also, a man as old as he is could possibly be suffering from dementia. With his gaze shifting between Xavier and the man, Mark asks;
“Do you recall the man who rented that vehicle?”
“Can I see that image again?” the man asks. After staring at the phone for a few seconds, he responds, “Honestly…no,” and Mark automatically sighs. Of course! He thinks to himself.
“But I do have his phone number and address somewhere if that helps.” The man adds and that statement is like light illuminating a very dark day for the detectives.

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