Mrs. Jamison 💔

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“What is she doing?” Xavier asks Mark, who turns to look at what Xavier is talking about

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“What is she doing?” Xavier asks Mark, who turns to look at what Xavier is talking about. They watch as May knocks on Mrs. Jamison’s house once, then twice, and a third time, without response.
“Do you hear that?” Mark asks his subconsciously inclining his head in the direction of the sound. It’s a dog barking, fiercely.
“So what? She has a dog. So does every other lonely old woman.” Xavier responds arrogantly, eyes still on May. By now, May is also focused on the dog, and is struggling to see through the window. She is so short that even on her toes, she can barely see anything. She turns to the boys for help. They have started making their way towards her, and the entire neighborhood is watching the drama unfold.
“That dog is upset about something.” Mark responds and continues after a momentary silence; “Oh and some lonely old women prefer cats.”
Xavier smirks and shakes his head as they near May. She looks like she could break through the walls in desperation.
“Hear that?” she asks them. “He or she is going crazy.” She adds.
“Mrs. Jamison? Are you in there?” Xavier asks. She remains unresponsive. The only sound tearing through the walls of the house is the dog barking.
“Get in there!” May screams at the boys, and although they both hesitate for a moment, in the next few minutes, Mark has gone around the house and apparently, the kitchen door is open. “Guys?” he calls out before going in, and the duo follows.
Everything in the kitchen looks intact, and they barely have any time to look around and confirm, as the barking continues. They follow the direction of the sound to the bathroom, and what greets them drains the life right out of May.
“Oh no.” she exclaims before stepping outside. Once she has regained her composure, she re-enters. Xavier and Mark have not said a word. What would one say in such a situation?
Mrs. Jamison’s body lies face down in her bathtub. Her arms, like all others are tied behind her with cable ties. However, although he is naked and displayed in such a manner, she does not have any stab wounds or indications of assault. A polythene shower cap hangs loosely over her head, and her entire body is extremely white. When Pearson makes way to the scene, he turns the body around. It is a horror. Mrs. Jamison’s whole front is literally falling apart.
“Acid” Pearson points out as he sniffs the substance. In all my years of experience, I haven’t seen a killer this vicious. It’s scary how destructive he is.
“He dipped her body in acid?” May asks, shocked and disturbed.
“Just her front side. I can feel some of her organs in here…” Pearson responds, reaching beneath the body. It is in such a bad state that he fears it could fall apart, and then there will be no evidence left.
“Because he couldn’t have her.” May observes, and Mark interjects;
“What makes you think that? “
“She may be on to something.” Xavier supports. “He viciously murdered and raped all the other three. But he chose them, he picked them for a reason, and he took his time with them. But Mrs. Jamison, she was not part of his killing spree. She was an inconvenience.”
“She was a witness.” May adds.
“Precisely.” Xavier says.
“A note!” Pearson exclaims almost happily. He retrieved it from under the shower cap and reads; “You are barely qualified for this job! Catch me, or I will kill again.”

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