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Both Kandin and Bach were not asleep yet, because the voice next door was so obvious tonight, and even caused some panic, they couldn't help but worry. Gisang heard it too, but he was too tired, the room was warm again, and he was sleepy in Kandin's arms. The voice finally stopped, and Gisang fell asleep almost in the blink of an eye.


A panicked shout awakened Gisang from his sleep, and Kandin and Bacher immediately sat up, and Tuzzo's voice sounded wrong.

"Abba! I have something to look for you!" Yun Huo shouted outside the door, with only a piece of animal skin around his waist.

At this time, everyone knew something was wrong. Gisang said immediately: "You come in."

Regardless of whether Kandin and Bach were inside, Yun, who was so frightened and cold all over, pushed the door hurriedly. Gisang was wearing a nightgown, he just wrapped in a piece of animal skin and came out with Kandin, and Bach came out too.

Bach ignited the oil lamp with a golden stone, and seeing Yun Huo's face, the three of them asked at the same time: "What's wrong!"

Yunhuo Liushen asked indifferently: "Abba, is there any way to keep Yunxiao by my side forever? Even if the beast god wants to take him away!"

"Ah?" Ji Sang was stunned for a while.

Cloud of fire is very anxious: "! Daddy I want the sky forever stay with me, even if the beast God take him away from me nor her father have no such method!!!"

Seeing eye pupil cloud of fire all After the change, Kangding hurriedly said: "Tu Zuo, you are calm, what is going on? You and Yun Xiao quarreled?"

"Abba!" Yun Huo didn't want to explain, he just wanted to know if there is such a way. .

Ji Sang took his son's hand and soothed: "Don't worry, Tu Zuo, you tell Abba what's wrong first? Did you quarrel with Yun Xiao?" Ji Sang instinctively didn't, how could Yun Xiao quarrel with his son.

Yun Huo shook his head fiercely: "Abba, Yunxiao is not ours, he is likely to return to his original place. Abba, I want to keep him, I want him to never go back! Abba! Tell me Is there any way I can keep him!" It seems that I have seen the day Yun Xiao "returns", Yun Huo's face is distorted, his red eyes are crimson, and his whole person seems to be beastly at any time. It is not a beast, but a beast that loses its mind.

Gisang was terrified, and Kangding shouted: "Yes! There is such a way! Tuzuo! Calm down!"

Yun Huo instantly regained his senses: "Tell me!"

Gisang looked at his partner worriedly, really. Have it? Bacher also looked worried, he was afraid that A-da would just appease Tuzo by saying casually.

Kangding said very solemnly: "Marry Yunxiao, and become a true partner with him, so that your soul and blood will blend together."

Ji Sang was stunned, Bachr was stunned, and Yun Huo was stunned.

Kandin pulled Gisang's left hand, flipped it, palm facing up. Gisang was wearing a sleeveless nightgown, and a cross-shaped scar on his left wrist was clearly visible.

Kangding raised the scar of his partner to his son and said: "When we are married, both parties must swear an oath in front of the animal gods. Your soul and blood will be completely fused together. Only death can separate you. "

Ji Sang's breathing was unstable for an instant, and Yun Huo seemed to understand.

Kangding went on to say something that Ringgit Sang immediately burst into tears: "Perhaps, you are cursed by the beast god, but Daddy believes that the beast god will bless every couple who loves each other. Daddy, your dad, yours Brother, I will send you blessings."

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