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New Girl

Bella had left for school before I did, wanting to ensure that she had enough time to get her schedule and learn the layout of the school. When I finally parked my truck in the parking lot, I headed right for the main hallway. Bella was standing beside Eric Yorkie, looking mortified at something he said. I rolled my eyes and approached the pair.

"Did you break my sister, Eric?" I questioned, grabbing Bella's schedule. "Oh, sick, we have a few classes together."

"No, Lena, I didn't break your sister." Eric huffed. "Just introducing myself."

"Sure you are." I nodded, handing Bella her schedule back. "Come on, I'll take you to your locker."

I led Bella down the hallway, telling her which halls would lead where. I told her where all of her classes would be, and the trick to opening her locker.

"You really know your way around this place." Bella commented.

"Yeah, I've been here for years." I shrugged. "Don't worry, I know it seems like a lot, but give it a week and you'll know your way around here better than me."

"I doubt it." Bella muttered.

"Come on, let's head to gym." I smiled, pulling Bella to our shared class.

We changed into our uniforms and headed into the gym. I started stretching along with the other girls while Bella spoke with the coach.

"That's your sister?" Jessica Stanley asked, eyeing my sister.

"Yes, and I'd appreciate it if you were nice to her." I sighed.

"I'm always nice!" Jessica huffed.

"No, you're not." I stated. "Please? She already feels out of place."

"I'll try." Jessica sighed.

"Thanks, Jess." I smiled softly.

"Volleyball?" Bella asked, walking over to me. "This is going to be bad."

"Just stand beside me, I'll cover you." I shrugged, starting to play the game. Bella stayed beside me, moving out of the way whenever the ball came close to us. I hit the ball every time, sending it over the net or up into the air for another teammate. Bella eventually hit the ball, sending it right into the back of Mike Newton's head.

"Sorry." Bella rushed out. "I told them not to let me play."

"No, no, no, that's..." Mike waved it off, sending my sister a smile. "You're Isabella, right?"

"Just Bella."

"Yeah. Hey, I'm MIke Newton." Mike introduced himself. I cringed from behind Bella, shaking my head at the boy. I turned my attention back to the game as Jessica ran off the court. I made sure to keep Bella in my peripherals, just to make sure she was okay, but I was otherwise focused on the game.


When lunch rolled around, I happily kept away from my sister, knowing she'd be getting a lot of unwanted attention from the guys I usually hung out with. I left the cafeteria and headed to my locker, grabbing my water bottle and my book before strolling back into the cafeteria.

"Hey, Lena." Alice Cullen called. I glanced over to her, smiling softly as she waved me toward her table.

"Hey guys." I greeted politely.

"That's your sister, right?" Alice asked, glancing over at Bella. I nodded at her, settling into a seat beside Jasper. "She's pretty."

"Yeah." I nodded, cracking open my water bottle to take a sip. "Bella's pretty cool... sometimes."

"Now, that's not very nice." Jasper joked lowly. I let out a snort before shaking my head.

"She's my sister." I shrugged. "It's allowed."

"So, how's conditioning for track?" Emmett asked, smirking over at me.

"It's fine." I huffed. "Thanks for reminding me. Coach has me on this stupid diet."

"You should be able to eat what you want." Rosalie commented. "They shouldn't put you on a diet."

"No, they shouldn't." I rolled my eyes. "But it's only for another two weeks and then I can eat whatever I want."

"Bella looks confused as to why you're sitting with us." Edward sounded, looking over at my sister.

"Everyone is confused as to why I sit with you." I shrugged. "I mean, I'm confused too, but I'm not going to say that."

"You just did." Alice giggled, making me smile.

"Yeah, well." I shook my head, picking up my book and my water bottle. "I'm going to go read outside. I can't stand the looks you all get."

"It's 'cause we're beautiful." Emmett smirked.

"Rosalie, for sure." I nodded, getting up. "You? Not so much, big guy."

"Hey!" Emmett shouted after me.

"Gotta run!" I laughed, ducking out of the cafeteria.


"Are you sure?" Dad asked. "I don't want you to sit here by yourself."

"I'm positive." I nodded. "I'm still on that diet."

"That's right." Dad remembered. "You want me to bring you something back?"

"No, that's okay." I shook my head. "I'm forcing Jake to be on this diet with me, so Billy's making us something good."

"Be safe, kid." Dad said, leaning down to kiss the top of my head.

"Always, dad." I smiled up at him. :Now go, before Bella thinks you stood her up."

"I'm going!" Dad chuckled, grabbing his jacket before leaving the house. I smiled as I finished up my homework, glad that Bella was going to be spending time with dad again. Even though I hated that he spent his money at the diner, I knew he'd rather have real food instead of the limited food I could eat. I couldn't exactly cook dinner at the moment on account that I wouldn't be able to taste the food without breaking my diet.

I shook my head and grabbed my keys. I made sure the door was locked before I headed over to Billy's house. After spending a few hours with Billy and Jacob, making sure to clean up a bit despite Billy's constant refusal, I headed back home. Instead of ducking into my room, I headed into Bella's room and flopped down on her bed.

"Hey." I greeted. "Wanted to check in on you before I headed back to my room. How are you liking Forks?"

"It's exactly like I remembered." Bella sighed.

"Is that a bad thing?" I asked.

"Not really." Bella shook her head. "I guess I just miss the sun."

"How is it that you grew up somewhere sunny but you stayed so pale?" I questioned. "And I grew up under a rain cloud and stayed tanner than you?"

"I wish I knew." Bella let out a laugh.

"I want you to be happy here, Bella." I told her honestly, sitting up to look at her. "I missed you."

"I'm trying." Bella smiled softly. "I missed you too, Helena."

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