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Battle Wounds

The pack had left after breakfast, seeing each of us imprintees off with hugs and chaste kisses. With promises to stay safe, Emily, Kim, and I waved off the pack as they disappeared into the trees.

"Right." Emily nodded, keeping a keen eye on her young cousin playing on the floor of the living room. "Now what?"

"Now, we wait." Kim murmured, sitting beside Emily at the kitchen table.

"I can't just sit still." Emily sighed, fidgeting with her hands.

"How about we clean up a bit and go on a little walk." I suggested. "Just around the house, we don't want to venture too far without protection."

"That sounds good." Kim agreed.

"Okay." Emily nodded.

We got to work swiftly, cleaning up the mess of plates and food left behind by the pack. I vacuumed around Claire, avoiding her stuffed toys and broken crayons. When we were finished cleaning the house, Emily grabbed Claire, and we set off on a small stroll in Emily's yard and the surrounding woods. We didn't go very far, as per Sam's request, and after we'd gotten our fill, we headed back inside.

Emily set Claire in front of the TV, providing her snacks and some juice to keep her occupied. Kim, Emily and I sat at the table once more, fiddling with whatever we could get our hands on to pass the time.

"How long has it been?" Kim whispered.

"An hour." Emily sighed.

"I can't stand being inside!" I blurted. "Sorry, Em, but I"d much rather be down at the beach than being stuck inside. I feel like I'll go crazy if I have to stay inside for much longer."

"Okay, note to self, Helena will go stir crazy first." Kim snickered, watching me with an amused grin.

"It's only because she was cooped up in here yesterday." Emily sighed. "You don't think Sam will mind it if we go down to the beach, will he?"

"He might have something to say about it." I whispered, eyeing Emily with a grin.

"An hour wouldn't hurt." Emily caved in quickly, eagerly scooping Claire up and heading for the back door. Kim and I followed after her, right down to my favorite beach not far from Emily's place.

Kim and I sat up on the shore, watching Emily and Claire play in the incoming waves.

"So, how is it being Paul's imprint?" Kim questioned, leaning back against the log behind us. "I knew him in school, and he was a serious hothead."

"He's never like that with me." I hummed, watching the waves crash against the cliffside. "He's such a sweetheart, honestly. How is it being Jared's imprint?"

"Perfect." A smile spread across her features. "He's a dream, Lena."

"Good." I nodded, offering the usually quiet girl a smile. "He's usually an idiot, so I'm glad he's not always like that."

"Oh, he is." Kim nodded with a laugh. "But, I love him like that."

"I get that." I said.

"Alright, we've had enough of the waves." Emily chuckled as she brought Claire back up the beach.

"Lena?" Claire sounded.

"Yes?" I hummed.

"Sand castle."

"Sure, let's make a sand castle, Claire." I smiled, helping the young girl gather sand in her little plastic bucket. Kim and Emily helped by gathering twigs and seaweed for decorations.

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