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A week went by, and I was waiting for Bella by her truck. Instead of driving both trucks, we decided to just take Bella's, seeing as it had new tires and mine was due for a new set. I was leaning against the side of the truck, reading a book assigned for English when Bella stepped beside me.

"You shouldn't read so close to where cars are going to be driving." Bella warned. "That's dangerous."

"I'm not too worri-" I was cut off by a car horn blaring. Bella turned and froze, watching in terror as Tyler's van barrelled toward us. Without blinking, I shoved Bella away from the oncoming van and braced for impact. I was pushed harshly to the floor, and groaned when my head bounced off the concrete. Bella was crouched above me, looking over me at something I couldn't focus on.

"Hey, Helena!" Bella called to me, tearing her eyes away from whatever she was focused on. "Can you hear me?"

"Barely." I muttered, reaching a hand up to my forehead. I hissed as my hand came in contact with a cut on my temple, and groaned when I saw blood on my fingertips.

"Helena!" I heard a bunch of people call my name, making my head spin. I tried to sit up, but got dizzy and had to fall back down on the asphalt.

"Lena, I'm so sorry." Tyler apologized from his passenger window. "I tried to stop."

"How?" I started to question, groaning as my head started to throb. "Bella?"

"I'm here." Her voice was shaky, and I couldn't quite place her as my vision started to fade.

"I don't feel so-"


"Lena." Dad's voice sounded in the emergency room. I slowly turned to look at him, wincing at the brightness of the lights. "Are you okay?"

"I don't-"

"You and I are gonna talk." Dad hissed at Tyler before turning back to me and Bella. "You alright?"

"I'm fine, dad." Bella spoke first. "Calm down."

"I'm sorry, guys." Tyler apologized for the hundredth time. "I tried to stop."

"I know, it's okay." Bella said softly.

"No." I groaned from the hospital bed between them. "It's not okay."

"It wasn't his fault." Bella defended.

"You and your sister could have been killed." Dad stated. "You understand that?"

"Yes, but we weren't. So..." Bella trailed off.

"You can kiss your license goodbye." Dad threatened.

"Daddy shhh." I mumbled.

"Are you okay?" Dad asked, suddenly closer to my bedside.

"I heard the chief's daughters were here." Dr. Cullen spoke, entering the emergency room.

"Dr. Cullen." Dad greeted.

"Charlie." Dr. Cullen responded. I felt his presence beside me, but I didn't open my eyes. "Helena..."

"Hmm?" I hummed in response.

"Looks like you took quite a spill." He continued. "How do you feel?"

"Not so good, doc." I muttered. "Kinda still woozy from when my head bounced off the parking lot."

"Mild concussion." Dr. Cullen stated. "You should be fine, so long as you take it easy."

"That means no track, Lena." Dad sighed.

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