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"So, what do you think?" I ask Mom. "Good idea, or bad idea?"

"I think it's a great idea, Noah."

"Do you think Mike will go for it? Will he let her come?"

Mom's tone is disparaging when she responds. "You do remember that he agreed to you two staying at the beach house alone together, right?"

"Yeah," I chuckle. "After a fair bit of convincing from you and Dad, anyway."

"Still. I can't see him being upset about this. Elle would only have to take the Friday off school, because the Monday is a pupil free day anyway."

"I know. It works on my end, too, because we have a bye that week for football, so I'll have more time."

"Well, I'm sure Elle would love to visit. I know she misses you," Mom adds softly.

"I miss her, too."

"I know, sweetheart. It's tough, the long distance thing."

"Yeah, it is. I know you warned me, but the reality is so much harder than I thought it would be."

"Well, just think. Elle comes to visit you in a few weeks and then it wont be so long and you'll be back for Thanksgiving, then a month later you'll be back again for Christmas. That's doable, right?"

"Yeah, I guess."

What scares me is that while it feels like a long time to go without seeing Elle, it seems like too short a time for all the school work I have to complete before then, not to mention the exams that are still to come. But there's no point stressing about that now. I need to focus on the task at hand.

"Okay, so I'll buy the ticket for her, and mail it home in the box with her present."

"Sounds good. I'll make sure she gets it," Mom confirms, and I hear the smile in her voice. "It's a good plan, Noah."

"Thanks. For everything."

"Always. I love you, hon."

"Love you too, Mom."

"Okay, talk soon, huh?"

"Yep, bye."

The call disconnects and I grin to myself as I click 'purchase' on the screen in front of me. A few minutes later, I'm printing out Elle's ticket to Boston, folding the paper and placing it in the bottom of the box, adding the Harvard crimson hoodie I bought for her on top. I write a short message in the card I found, a lollipop-themed one that says 'Miss You' on the front, before placing it in the envelope and into the box as well.

Right. Glancing at the time, I estimate I've got just enough time to run this across to the post office near the square, before I have to get to training. But I do mean run. Or at least jog, which I do, training bag slung across my back, box under my left arm. Thankfully, when I get there the line is short, and soon my gift is stamped and on its way to Elle.

I can't wipe the grin off my face the whole way to the football stadium, thinking about what her reaction will be when she opens it, and finds the ticket. I don't have to wait too long. A couple of days later, Elle FaceTimes me right after I get out of the shower, a big grin on her face.

"I seem to be the proud owner of a plane ticket to Boston," she practically yells as soon as I answer, waving the printed piece of paper in front of the camera, before disappearing out of view.

"So, can you make it?"

"Ta-da!" Elle jumps back into view, wearing the hoodie, and I can't hold back a laugh.

"So, my answer is a firm yes!" she grins, posing with her hands planted on her hips.

"Yeah, okay," I laugh again, leaning back in my chair and swinging from side to side. "I think that's the responsible choice."

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