Thuds (Book)

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The day after Thanksgiving, I show Chloe around all the sights of LA, since she's never really spent much time here. I'm avoiding places that might stir up memories of times I've had with Elle, while she apparently avoids me, because she still hasn't responded to my text. Still, it seems like maybe I'm not only me she's avoiding, because when we get back to the house late in the afternoon, Lee hasn't heard from her either.

So, I try my luck again.

Me: Elle, plz just reply and let me know, ok? I just want to talk before I go back to college.

No reply. 

Maybe I should just take the hint.

"No luck?" Chloe asks, and I hate the fact that there's pity in her eyes.

"Nope," I sigh, running my hand over my face.

"She'll come round," she says confidently, placing her hand on my shoulder and squeezing lightly.

"Maybe, I don't know. Anyway, was there anything you wanted to do tonight?"

"Honestly, I'm happy to spend tonight just hanging out here, at your amazing house," Chloe grins, spreading her arms wide. "Or, I will be, as soon as I get a run in."

"Want me to come?"

"No way, you'll just slow me down."

"Ouch," I gasp, mock-hurt. "Are you sure? You won't get lost?"

"Please. I can use Google maps with the best of them."

"I feel like a bad friend not going with you."

"I promise it's fine. I'll be fine. Besides, I've hogged you all day today. Go spend time with your family. I'll be back before you know it."

"Fine," I huff, heading downstairs to where everyone else is hanging out watching a movie.

It's a little over an hour later when Chloe gets back, gesturing at me to follow her upstairs. I start getting suspicious when she ushers me inside the guest room, closing the door behind us and leaning back against it.

"What's up?"

Chloe makes a face. "Okay, don't get pissy, but..."

My stomach sinks. "What'd you do?"

"I may have made a stop at Elle's on my tour around your neighborhood."

"You what? Why would you do that?"

"I said don't  get pissy."

"Fine. What'd she say?"

"She said that she'll talk to you when she's ready."

"Which will be when?"

"That's still unclear. She said it's complicated."

Yeah, by the fact that she kissed another guy.

"Riigghtt. So basically, I'm still at square one."

"Not exactly. I at least cleared up one thing that might've been stopping her from getting in touch."

"What? What thing?"

"She thought that you and I were together. That you had brought me home for Thanksgiving to meet your parents... as your girlfriend."

"Wait, what?"

"I know! Crazy, right?"

I probably should have seen this coming, if I'm honest. Elle had never believed me when I told her that Chloe and I were just friends. She'd never trusted me.

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