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A/N - For those of you who aren't reading my other books, I feel I should apologise here too for my extended absence. Life has been fighting against me as far as having the time to write and publish here has been concerned. I'm hoping to be better in the final sprint to the end of this year, and over the holiday break as well, so all being equal we should see more of each other, and our favourite characters. Speaking of which... Elle and Lee have just arrived at Harvard after their road trip across the country, reuniting Noah and Elle again (yay!)...

The sound of a throat being cleared loudly, annoyingly, right next to us makes me end the second kiss with Elle much sooner than I would've liked. Lee drops their bags, narrowly missing my foot before leaning in to give me a quick hug hello. Despite the fact that he just rained on my Shelly parade, I have to admit it's good to see my brother in person again.

"How was the drive?" I ask him, picking up Elle's duffel bag before she can insist on carrying it herself.

"Which part?" Lee laughs. "And, hey, what's the deal, you're not offering to carry my bag? I'm your little brother. How dare you pick some girl over me."

"I'll carry your bag, Lee," Elle offers sweetly.

"I thought you were the big man on campus now," I shoot back, smirking at him. "All macho-macho. Carry your own bags!"

"I never used the words macho-macho," Lee grumbles.

"Someone did," I insist.

Lee glares at Elle enough that she holds her hands up in defense. "Hey, wasn't me."

"Oh, it definitely was," I grin, which earns me a swat to my arm from my girl.

"Your supposed to be on my side," Elle hisses.

"Always, Shelly," I wink at her, knowing she can't stay mad at me for this but happy to be proven right when she hops up on her tiptoes just long enough to kiss me quickly on the cheek.

I catch Lee's eyeroll before leading them on toward the dorms. On the way, I fill the two of them in on our updated accommodation arrangements. Chloe's roommate decided to go home for spring break at the last minute, so Chloe, being the awesome friend that she is, offered (more like insisted) that she would bunk with another friend and let Lee have her room while he's here. We head there first, and the second the door opens, Chloe grabs Elle in a massive hug, letting out one of those ridiculous squeals of excitement she's prone to, before launching into a no less enthusiastic stream of conversation.

"Hi! Oh, it's great to see you again! How was the trip? Noah showed me the pictures. It looks amazing. How was Hamilton? Lee! Get in here!"

Chloe lets Elle go before she has a chance to even respond, pulling my brother into a hug and asking him a bunch of questions he has no hope of getting enough time to answer, either. I realize she can be a bit overwhelming, but I can't help but grin at my friend heaping attention on Lee and Elle. She looks her typical self, wearing yoga pants and a fuzzy pink sweater, with the absurdly matching pink slippers on her feet. Somehow, she makes it work. 

Chloe grabs up Lee's bags before he knows what hits him and ushers us all inside her room, listening as he and Elle finally get to answer her questions, while I take the opportunity to flop down in her desk chair. I'm running on adrenaline and fumes right now, so you better believe I'm rocking back enough to get my feet planted up on Chloe's desk. Partly because it feels good to stretch out, but mostly because I know it gets on her nerves whenever I do it. Right on cue, Chloe stalks over to shove my feet off the desk and tip the chair up to a "safer" angle, not even breaking the flow of conversation.

I smirk while Lee launches into what turns out to be an incredibly long and detailed retelling of all the pies he's eaten during their cross-country drive, while Elle quietly takes in her surroundings. Chloe's been listening attentively to my brother's nonsense, but when Elle focuses on something on the bookshelf, she cuts across his babble.

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