Chapter 20 Part 2!

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Long authors note at the end :/ sowwyyyy but I'm having a contest so PLEASE READ IT!!!! at least just the part about the contest :) Thanks!!!

Harry POV

Everything is wrong.

Niall and I are meant to be. I can feel it, but then he had to go and be so demanding and rude to Zayn. Is this another side to Niall I've never seen before? A demanding and forceful side? I don't like it. Not one bit.

I sit down on my bed and ponder him and the drama and the hatred builds inside me. Not towards anyone in particular, I dont think i could ever 'hate' Niall, but to the universe. Why can't things be right between us? Why couldn't he have just given up on the silly idea I mentioned so briefly in a daze of love struck hopefulness.

I hear someone shout, "What the hell Liam," followed by the front door slamming shut.

Great, more problems.

I stare blankly at the clock on my bedside table and watch the minutes pass.




I debate leaving my bed to see what happened but make no movements to act on my thoughts.



I hear muffled crying from Liam's room which sends me over the edge.

"Freakin' shit balls of-" I mutter every swear I know, which is a fair amount, under my breath as the rage overcomes my body.

I grab a pair of dark skinny jeans and yank them on followed by a plain V-neck shirt. Even the shirt smells of HIM. I grab my converse from the floor and pull them on, not taking the time to tie them properly. Making sure my necklaces are on I walk by the mirror and fix my hair. This takes no more than 2 minutes.

I grab my wallet and shove it into my back pocket along with my phone and am about to leave when the door to my room opens with a slam. I whip my head up to see who it is.


No, this isn't part of the plan.

"Liam, I can't talk right now I've got to go." My voice is impatient and I shove past him but he grabs my wrist making my stride break off suddenly.

"What Liam?" I say not disguising my anger for even a second.

"Don't do anything stupid," he says in almost a whisper.

I hesitate at his tone and message, but only for a second.

Ripping my arm from his grip I continue out of my room and into the hall.

"No promises," I mutter under my breath.

I pass HIS door and as I pass, it opens slowly making me pick up my pace. I'm speed walking towards the front door and HIS presence grows behind me.

I reach the door and swing it open to see the bright sun in the sky. Just as fast as I opened it I close it behind me with a slam.

I get into my car and start it, the soft words I heard, or maybe imagined, right before I shut the door linger in my mind.

'I'm sorry,' said in the most beautiful Irish accent I've ever heard.

I probably imagined it, my mind hoping for the apology from the one I love just so things could go back to normal.

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