Chapter 21

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Harry POV

Sun. Brightness. Burning. Pounding.

"Shit," I mutter, not moving in an attempt to save myself from any further pain.

Pain. Payne. Liam. Awh no, Liam's warning about not doing anything stupid. I really screwed that up, who did I even come home with? And-

I throw the covers off my body and sit up so fast, my vision blurs completely and the only thing I can see is a bright whiteness. My vision clears and my head whips around my room, the pounding in my head becomes overwhelming and I feel nauseous.

Who DID I come home with?

Next to me there are crinkled bed sheets, the only clue that someone else was in bed with me. Letting out a sigh, my body slides back down under the covers, the soft material caresses my body.

My naked body.

"What the hell am I doing with my life," I mutter as my eyes close.

When my eyes open again, the sun shining just as bright as before, the spot next to me has been taken by a very familiar body.

"Niall?" I question, confused.

Why is he here? In my bed?

He rolls over and gives me a smile, not A smile but THE smile. The one where he knows he has done something wrong and is trying to think of a way to apologize.

"Harry, I'm sorry-" he starts to speak, not looking at me, but I interrupt, my heartbeat accelerating.

"Niall, babe it's okay, I forgive you!" I exclaim, grinning widely at him.

"You do?" he questions, looking skeptical.

"Yeah! Of course I do," I move closer to him and move to hug him.

"I just, last night for me but, I just feel bad," he talks and once I process the words, I stop moving towards him.

"Wait, what..happened last night? Niall, what aren't you telling me? What are you apologizing for?" As fast as I forgave him, I am skeptical again.

"Well, you know," he runs his fingers through his hair nervously.

"No, Niall I don't. I don't remember anything from last night."

His eyes widen in surprise and concern.

"But-but I thought you would remember. I know I won't forget, ever!"

"What IS it Niall? Just spit it out!"

His arm emerges from below the sheets and one shaky finger extends towards me. Well, past me.

My eyes follow his finger in a straight line leading... to a camera?

"What...?" I turn to him in confusion.

He gulps and looks away.

"Sex tape," he whispers.

Sex. We. Had. Sex. And I don't even remember? And I allowed it to happen??

"Niall, can I see it please?"

", it already sold... online for 900,000 pounds,"

900,000 POUNDS?!

"Wait WHAT? I was DRUNK and we had SEX and you SOLD IT?! can't do things like that! I'm calling management," I reach for my bedside table and run my fingers across the surface looking for my phone.

Insert Title HereOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora