Chapter 17

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Zayn's mom ran out of the room when thy were discussing Harry and Niall'a relationship.

Harry realized he loves Niall.

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Harry POV

After the shocking realization of my love for Niall, I notice that all of the siblings and Liam, Louis, and Zayn have left the room, becoming bored once the intense game of UNO ended.


I kiss Niall on the lips for quite a while before we pull back gasping for air.

"I wish we could do that in public," Niall whispers into my neck, his warm breath making goosebumps rise.

"We can," I whisper while pulling back to look him in the eyes.

"But not with our parents around. Or at least Zayn's parents."

His eyes lose their normal twinkle and his expression turns sad.

"Hey hey hey," I say cupping his left cheek in my right hand, "It'll be alright. If they can't accept us for who we are then, that's their problem."

He lets out a long sigh.

"I guess so."

His expression gets panicked.

"But what about Zayn having to leave the band? Well I guess we aren't going to actually tell them we're together so I don't need to worry 'bout it."

My mind races taking in his body language.

"But, what if we did tell them?" I hesitantly ask scanning his face for his reaction.

His eyes widen and his mouth opens and closes searching for the right words to answer with.

"But Zayn! He, we, but, leave," he fumbles with his words his eyebrows scrunching together in frustration.

I can't help but smile at the sight.

"Don't hurt yourself babe."

He glares at me but a smile tugs at the corner of his lips.

His smile falls again as he says, "You can't be serious...right? I mean Zayn can't leave! We'd lose so many fans!"

He thinks for a few seconds.

"And it just wouldn't be One Direction without him."

And I agree. Zayn has helped each and everyone of us through some tough time. He is the glue that holds us together, mentally, emotionally, and vocally too.

Without his riffs and backing echos along with all of his solos, our songs would be bland and wouldn't be unique at all!

"Well...our contract isn't up with Syco they can't make him quit for another few months, right?"

Niall bites his lip. "Yeah and he is over eighteen so technically his parents can't make him quit..."

He looks off to one side, deep in thought.

He shifts in my lap to face me.

"I don't know Harry, I mean it's just such a new idea to me..."

His minty breath mixes with mine and his vibrant blue eyes bore into mine.

"Yeah, uhm, well," his face being in such a close proximity to mine makes it impossible to think.

I lean in and capture his lips in mine.

They move together tentatively, his slightly rough lips making the kiss even sweeter.

The door opens and I hear,

"Ewwwww Harry and Niall are kissing!!"

Louis' sister Lottie yells as she runs back out to the parents.

Uh oh.

Niall chuckles, not realizing how bad this situation is.

"Ni," my urgent voice grabs his attention.

"What babe?" he asks confused.

"Mr. and Mrs. Malik probably heard that..."

His eyes widen and he has a sharp intake of breath.

"I'm not ready for them to know."

He snuggles into my shoulder.

"I'm not ready to be hated."

I freeze at that.


No one is allowed to hate Niall.


It isn't allowed.

"Babe, love, we have half of the world supporting our relationship right now. If two people don't 'approve' then who cares? That's their problem. Because they will be so focused on hating, while we will be together, happy. I lo-like you an you like me. That's all that matters."

I stop myself from saying love because now that I truly do love him, it means so much more I say it.

Like before if I said I loved him, it was in a brotherly way, or in a caring way.

But never before true love. Now it's different.

Does that make sense?

Probably not.

"I guess you're right."

I smirk, "I'm always right."

He chuckles and stands up, getting off of my lap.

He holds out his had and I take it,bulking myself up and twining our fingers together.

"Shall we tell the lads first?" he suggests.

Oh yeah.



8 votes, 3 comments for the next chapter!!!

So sorry for the filler chapter, I'm playing around with a few different ideas for this story so if YOU have any ideas inbox me!!!

Oh and KIK me!




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