Chap 15

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Harry POV

"Well that went well, eh lads?" Louis says standing and stretching his arms up above his head.

I nod, but am only thinking of how I am going to walk to the car without making it obvious that I hurt, bruised, broke, whatevered my foot.

I lean my hands on the table to pull myself up into a standing position while the others do the same, but with more ease.

Security and the boys start to walk out to the cars and Niall turns around saying, "Come on Harry!"

"I'll be right behind you."

I watch his smile falter a little as he gives me a puzzled look before he nods and turns around to walk with Zayn and Liam, Louis being even farther ahead pestering Paul.

I take a tentative step with my bad left foot and the pain shoots through my leg, engulfing it in pain instead of the constant painful throbbing it had become during the rest of the signing. I hobble behind the others and start to break out in a sweat because of the agony. Niall turns around to check on me, about 20 feet behind him, and I walk as normally as possible for a few steps smiling at him briefly before making myself look deep in thought so he will leave me alone.

He turns back around and I wipe the tears from the corners of my eyes that formed from the hurting.

When we finally get to the van I sit next to Niall and hold his hand the entire way home, still keeping my 'thoughtful' appearance up by looking out the window intently.

I listen to the boys chatter about football and golf but do not input anything.

When we get home I hobble inside but am spotted by Niall.

"Why are you limping?" he asks concerned.

"Just from sitting so long and then being crammed in the car," I lie smoothly to my beautiful and caring Nialler.

"Hmmm" Niall makes a sound of agreement but he examines me warily before walking inside.

Letting out a sigh of relief I follow him.

"Noooooo!" Louis yells in my ear making me jump.

"What the hell Louis!?" I shout back at him as he scores the winning goal.

We have been playing Fifa for the last couple hours and Louis was being a sore loser so he shouted in my ear so I would lose focus and he could take the ball from me.

"Ha! I won and you lost," he says jumping up and down in front of me like a crazy person, which he is.

I roll my eyes at him and he runs to tell Zayn about his victory. I turn to Liam who is the only other person in the room.

"That wasn't fair," I mumble half to myself half to him.

He chuckles deeply and pats my knee.

"Maybe next time Hazza," he says shaking his head at me.

I stand up and flinch when I feel the agony in my foot.

"You alright Harry?" I turn around to look at a concerned Liam.

"Yeah just need to stretch," I lie to yet another person.

I make a show of walking and stretching goofily at the same time so I make it out the door with out having to put any real pressure on my foot. I walk as quickly as possible in this state to my room to strip down before getting into bed. This way when the boys come in they will think I am asleep and I don't have to put any extra unnecessary pressure on my foot.

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