Chapter 8

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Louis POV

Everyone thinks that I don't know what is going on, but I do. Niall has liked Harry for a long time now, and is trying to get Harry to like him. Harry is falling for Niall and Zayn knows it too. I'm not completely oblivious and childish! I'm just waiting to see how long it takes Harry to confess his feelings, whether to one of the boys and I or to Niall himself.

The next morning at breakfast, you can feel the awkwardness in the air. I am curious to what went down last night between them, Harry and Niall that is.

"Good morning!" I say walking over to the table, sitting down.

"Morning," they mumble back. I sat next to Niall, who was staring at Harry with a knowing look and Harry looks guilty, not making eye contact with Niall.

Hmmmmmmm very curious.

Harry POV

Awkward. That one words sums up what I am feeling right now. Sitting here at breakfast with the lads, it is awkward. I never thought about being gay, or even bi! Suddenly being attracted to Niall, is making me rethink a lot. I have never felt this way about anybody before. I mean I'm Harry Styles! I shouldn't be shy and blushing! Which is exactly what I am doing right now. I haven't looked at Niall all morning and have barely said a thing to anyone. Louis comes down and we all say good morning.

" later today," I hear the end of Liam's sentence as I break out of my thoughts. "Wait what?" I ask.

"You and Niall are going on a date later, publicly, so you will get more practice being a couple," he clears up my confusion.

"Oh ok," I say looking at Niall for the first time all morning.

It turns out that we are going out for lunch at Nando's and are going to a movie after. The boys haven't told us what movie yet, they said the tickets are already bought and we are going to pick them up right before the movie. Considering that it is already 11, I go up to my room to get ready. I consider what to wear before putting on my favorite Jack Wills sweatshirt and a pair of jeans. I grab my beanie before heading down the stairs. I scroll through tweets on my phone while waiting for Niall. I follow about 15 fans before he comes down the stairs. He looks hot. There is no denying it. I am going to enjoy acting like his boyfriend today. He is wearing a red shirt and white chinos. And he is smoking. I smile at him and ask, "Ready?" he nods and we head out the door, yelling goodbye to the lads. Once we shut the door behind us he grabs my hand, smiling up at me. I smile back and then hear cameras flashing. Paparazzi. We walk towards the car without being attacked by them. I think they know we are going on a date and want to make sure we go on it, so they do not distract us or stop us. They want a show. And a show they will get.

At Nando's, Niall orders what seems like half of the menu and I say, "Not a cheap date I see," he blushes and I laugh. We banter back and forth during the meal and hold hands under the table, but we make it obvious so the paps know we are doing it. Sometimes we just stare at each other, and I don't mind this. I get lost in his blue eyes so easily it's a good thing we are supposed to be together, or else he would think I'm creepy because of how much I stare at him.

I pay the bill and we walk towards the car, heading to the movies now.

Once we are there, Niall gets some snacks, even though we just ate. He says he's a growing boy. I walk up to the ticket counter where there is a 40 year old man. "Um I guess we have tickets pre-bought that we have to pick up? Under Styles or Horan maybe?" He looks up at me and looks at the computer screen. "Yup two?"He asks. "Yes," I respond. "Sign here," he brings out a clip board and I sign where he tells my to. He prints the tickets and I take them thanking him. I head over to Niall and hand him his ticket. "What movie is it?" he asks.

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