Chapter 22

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Harry POV

My heart stops when I see his face and all it's beauty: his flawless skin, soft blonde hair, stunning blue eyes. He truly takes my breath away.

"Thanks," I whisper turning my head back down to the pan in a failed attempt to hide my blush. I bite my lip to hold back a smile and shake my hair down to cover my crimson cheeks. Louis snorts and I peek up only to see him rolling his eyes at me.

"Whipped," he says as he walks by. I want to be mad at him and tell him off, but I know it's true. Niall James Horan has completely changed my view on the world and everything in it.

I finish cooking and serve the boys their portions which they take eagerly.

I slowly eat my food, pushing it around on the plate as I watch Niall scarf his down. Every time he looks up I duck my head sheepishly.

When we finish eating, I stand up abruptly, the chair legs skittering against the floor. Four sets of eyes turn to me at once and I rub the back of my neck.

"How about we...go do something today?" I suggest hopefully. They agree, but Louis frowns down at the table, the idea of having to be around Liam obviously makes him uncomfortable. Well, Liam has become quite a dapper looking young man, perhaps he and Lou coul- No Harry! You don't even have your own relationship under control, don't try to set up other people! And anyways Louis has El-damn it, Eleanor. I almost laugh, bitterly of course, at how naive and needy I was when I would hook up with El. She wasn't even that good...

I shake the thoughts out of my head. That was sick Harry don't think that, think of other things like butterfly's and rainbows and Irishmen and-fuck I need to stop thinking.

I snap out of it and notice the other have left. Except Niall who sits staring at the table as Louis did minutes before. But he has a look of confusion sketched onto his face, causing his adorable face to scrunch up.

He looks up, as if he felt my stare, and my heart beats faster as our gazes meet. Gahh, I'm such a girl. I hold back a blush and clear my throat.

"I'll uhh, go get ready now," I say slowly creeping towards the stairs.

"Harry," his voice is low and it stops me in my tracks. I turn around and gulp, waiting to hear what he has to say.

"I miss you."

My heart soars at his words and I fight the urge to walk up to him and snog him until he can't breathe.

Realizing I haven't responded yet, I open my mouth to say the same and more, but he stops me.

"No, don't Harry, please it's okay, I know..." He trails off and I am left very, very confused.

He walks out together ready and I sit back down in my chair.

'What...what just happened?'

Soon we are piling into the car, Louis seats himself at the wheel and Zayn slides into the passenger seat. Niall climbs to the very back, leaving Liam and I to sit in the middle. Louis starts the car and is about to pull out, but he pauses.

"Where are we going exactly?" He inquires, peeking at us through the rear view mirror.

We think, having no idea, but then Liam suggests the beach. The boys and I nod our heads and Louis shouts, 'Let's go to the beach-each let's go get away' causing us to chuckle. Slowly things are falling back into place. We go back inside and I walk, extremely fast, towards my room, up the stairs and down the hall. Out of the corner of my eye I see another figure quickly approaching. Zayn.

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