Chapter 24

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Niall POV

"So did you guys kiss and make up?" Louis asks us in a teasing voice when we finally get onto land again.

"Of course," Harry says in his adorable Cheshire accent.

Sometimes I get so used to the boys accents I don't fully appreciate them.

Harry snakes his arm around my waist and tugs me towards him. I stumble into him not making an effort to steady myself, knowing he will catch me. But he doesn't only catch me, he lets me keep going until we are chest to chest and I am looking up at his face. his beautiful, perfect, flawless face.

I stand on my toes trying to peck his lips but he looks away.

Immediately I pout, my bottom lip jutting out.

"We can't have any of that babe," he says poking my bottom lip, "I want to start over and that means no kisses until I take you on a date. Speaking of, would you like to go on a date with me tomorrow night?"

Although I don't agree with the no kisses, I can deal with the dates and food.

"If you insist," I say sighing before cheekily squeezing his bum and walking back to my towel.

I hear him chuckle deeply and can practically see him running his hand through his damp hair behind me as I listen to him laugh at me.

Harry isn't the only cheeky one in this band!

The rest of the day goes by fast and soon we pack up our beach things and head back to the car. The drive home is slightly less awkward than on the way there and I know that somehow we will be okay now, the band I mean. I just hope Louis and Liam can work through whatever they need to talk about!

After we all take showers and eat dinner I decide to go to bed on order to prepare myself for tomorrow's date.

"G'night," I yell through the house to the boys.

"Night," I hear a bunch of voices yell back.

"Hey," a voice sounds from behind me and I nearly jump out of my skin.

"What Harold," I say turning to face him.

He doesn't have a shirt on and his sweatpants hang low leaving me wanting to forget his 'no kissing rule' and jump on him right then and there.

Before I let my hormones take over I look up to his face and clear my throat discreetly.

Harry raises and eyebrow at my, well, /discomfort/, and I know I wasn't quite discreet enough.

Well it isn't my fault he is so damn distracting!

"Tomorrow be ready at noon, and don't eat too much before then," he informs me before kissing me on the forehead and walking down the hall towards the living room.

Slowly walking to my room I can't help but feel like I'm in primary school and I have my first crush all over again.

I feel giddy; my heart is fluttering just like the butterflies in my stomach and I'm getting that overall warm feeling that I get whenever I think of something exciting.

Falling into bed I snuggle into the covers, pulling them to my chin and fall asleep with a smile on my face thinking of Harry and the date we are going on tomorrow.

April 6



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