Chapter 14 (for real)

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A/N I like the end of this chapter for some reason...

Please please please please please vote and comment and fan! It means a lot to me! :)

Niall POV

"Liam!" I exclaim in worry. I get out of my seat next to Harry to sit next to Liam. I wrap my arms around him and he starts to sob quietly. I look up at the others in worry as Liam sobs into my shoulder.

When he calms his crying he wipes his face and takes in a shaky breath.

"What's wrong Li?" Zayn asks moving to sit on Liam's other side. Harry sits next to me and Louis sits on the ground in front of Liam.

"It's just, now they know. Now it is like it is official. Danielle and I aren't getting back together," Liam says before starting to cry again.

We all wrap our arms around Liam holding him as he cries.

Liam never cries! Never! He is the one who holds all of us when we cry!


We jump when Liam's phone starts to ring. Louis takes it from him and answers it.





Ok see you soon."

Louis hangs up and looks all of us in the eyes.

"Management wants a meeting. Now." he says.

I grab Harry's hand and look over at him.

He looks just as worried as I feel.

Zayn POV

When we sit down in the chairs across from our management and Simon I think, 'Oh boy this should be interesting'

"Boys, I am assuming you have seen the news clip?"

We nod and I look over at the other boys.

Harry and Niall are not sitting next to each other because they don't want to tell management about their relationship yet. So Louis is sitting next to Harry and Liam. On Liam's right is Niall and then me. I see Niall's fingers moving as if searching for Harry's hand to hold. Aww how cute!

"Lucky for you, we have come up with a solution for you lads. Harry and Niall, you are to become an even stronger couple in the public than before. Be extremely affectionate so to prove those rumors wrong and show that you are still a couple. You have been getting a lot of love from the fans. Zayn-" he turns to look at me, "Is this girl a serious thing?"

"I don't know yet, I haven't gotten to know her yet." I reply honestly.

"Okay well try not to be seen snogging or anything like that in public until you sort it out. And Liam, is it true? Did you break up with Danielle?"

"Yes" Liam says weakly.

"Well then, confirm the rumor and tell them you just drifted apart with the lack of seeing each other and that you are still great friends."

"But, we aren't friends," Liam says with tears in his eyes again.

Simon raises his eyebrows at this before the management speaks again.

"Then lie." they say heartlessly.

"That is it for today boys. We will be in contact with you sometime soon."

I stand up to leave and so do Harry Niall and Louis. Liam is still sitting in his chair, a blank look on his face. Louis stands next to his chair and gentle tugs on Liam's arm.

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