Chapter 27

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Niall POV
When we get back to the house I know we are both thinking about how we ended our date and I know that I want it to continue. It is unspoken but when Harry puts down his keys and goes up stairs, I follow. I follow him all the way into his room and I shut the door behind me.


Liam POV
I can't help it. I lied. I most likely have feelings for Louis and I'm not sorry for kissing him. I am sorry I made things awkward between us, but I'm not sorry that I made a move on the guy I like...well I think I like. The jury is still out on that one. But it's becoming harder and harder to tell what I'm feeling when I keep pushing everything away. It's time to talk to a professional.

"Hey I have a favor to ask of you. Can I come around sometime today?"

After driving for an hour and sitting through endless traffic, I reach her house. I ring the doorbell and hear the bells echoing through her house. When I hear footsteps getting closer to the door I take a step down onto the top step to wait for the door to open.

As soon as I see her peek her head around the corner I immediately feel better. I know that my sister will help me.

"Hey Liam come in!" Ruth says with a wide smile.  I hope she knows what she is getting into.  

I walk into her house and look around.  I haven't been here in far too long.  I notice that she has a new rug that leads from the front door to the kitchen.  Wow that is so stereotypicaly gay I can't even deny it anymore.  

"I'm going to be completely honest with you Ruth," I say after we sit down in her living room, "I think I'm gay, or bi, or something else."

Her eyes widen and I know I've taken her by surprise.  It's not every day your brother tells you straight out that he's gay.  

"Well I," she struggles to find words and I clench my hands together, knuckles turning lighter and lighter as I wait for her response.  

"Oh no no no!" She exclaims seeing how tense I am, "I' not upset!  That is totally fine!  I'm just trying to figure out what the issue is!  I mean, your sexuality isn't an issue, so what is?"

She looks confused, eyebrows furrowed and head turned slightly to the side.

"It's not that I'm gay that is the issue; it's who made me realize I was, you know, not straight."

"And who might that be?"



Yes, you will not be able to read their conversation.  But don't worry I did that on purpose.

Next chapter will be up who knows when!  But it will be the last full chapter.  I have 500+ words so far but I think I will make it a little longer just because it is the last chapter!

But if you would rather read it now, let me know and I can update it as it is!  There will be either an epilogue or I will summarize how all of the loose ends that I don't directly address wrap up.  






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