Chapter 12

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Because I am so thankful to everyone who is following this story, I wrote this short chapter in like 25 minutess for you guys.

(And also because I am celebrating 1,500 reads so far!  )

I really can't thank you enough and I will definitely be writing more because of that milestone!

Harry POV  

l walk into the club hand in hand with Niall followed closely by the other boys.  We head straight to the bar and take a few shots before our group breaks off into different directions (no pun intended).  

Zayn heads to a different part of the bar to chat up some girls and Louis sits with Liam watching the drunk teen and 20 year old dancers and talking.  

Niall grabs my hand and drags me to the dance floor. We face each other and start to very awkwardly dance to the music.  We can't dance for shit and everyone knows it.  Niall giggles and I know the alcohol is starting to get into his system. I can feel it in my veins too, making me less restrained with my dancing. We were dancing and laughing together when all of a sudden I see a guy come up behind Niall and start dancing with him. Niall's eyes widen and he turns around to see who it is.  

When he is facing towards the other guy, the new-comer attacks Niall, forcing his lips on his.  

I gasp, my jaw tightening with fury before I shove the other guy away.  

"What the hell?" I yell at him stepping closer so our chests are almost bumping. "What was that?" 

"I was kissin' the hot dude. He deserves a lot better than you," the guys manages to slur out.  

I raise my fist ready to punch this guy into tomorrow, but Niall grabs my arm holding me back.  

"Harry, no" he pleads.  

I shake off Niall's hand and turn away from the rude guy before stalking off to sit with Louis and Liam at the bar. 

I hear Niall scampering to keep up with me as I use my long legs to my advantage to walk away as fast as possible.  I sit down next to Louis and cross my arms angrily.  

That guy was such a dick. Like who does that?!  Niall sits next to me and looks at me, but doesn't say a word, trying to vouch how mad I am.  

Well I am extremely mad.  

And he can tell.  

"I'm sorry," Niall says, so softly I can barely hear him over the blasting music that has everyone in its control.  

My anger lessens when I hear the sadness in his voice.  

"Niall babe, I'm not mad at you I'm mad at that jerk who forced himself on you," I explain.  

"Well, I shouldn't have turned around. Or, or I should've predicted he was going to do that! I'm so sorry Haz." 

"Niall how would you've known he was going to kiss you? I didn't know and I could see him from the moment he started dancing with you," I grind my teeth together thinking back to when they were dancing 'together'.  

Niall smiles a little, "Thanks Hazza." 

"For what?" I ask, confused.  

"For not being mad at me." 

"How could I be mad at someone as cute and sexy as you?" I say joking only slightly because it is a true statement.  

He smiles widely at me, his cheeks a light rosy red color, either from my comment or the alcohol.   Or a mix of both.

I turn and look at Liam and Louis who are staring at us listening to our conversation.  

"Hi," I say to them in a tone that suggests 'Uhhh why are you staring at me?' 

"Hi!" Louis replies brightly.  

I roll my eyes at him and turn back to Niall. I lift him onto my lap and snuggle my head into his shoulder, inhaling his fresh scent.  

"Smelling me are we Harold?" he teases me.  

"Guilty as charged," I say with a wink.

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