Chapter 5

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Just letting everyone know I have no idea what is going to happen in this story yet...I literally sit down and write! I don't even know what is going to happen in this chapter and I'm writing the authors note hahaha soooo....bear with me :)

Harry P.O.V.

When Niall and I sit down to "cuddle" during the movie and he breathes warm air onto my neck, I swear my heart stops.  'Wait, what?' I think.  No it didn't I just uhhhh, forgot to breathe...yeah that's what I did. 'Yeah right' one part of my brain says, 'You like him.' 'Um no. I don't I forgot to breathe...' The sensible part of my brain responds. 'Wait why am I having a conversation with myself?' I think before sighing and turning my eyes to the screen.  'What movie is this?' I think, I didn't notice what movie Niall chose because I was too busy staring at him. 'No! Stupid brain, I wasn't I was spacing out, and just happened to be looking in his direction into his beautiful, deep, blue eyes..' Wait what? I really need some help. It is exhausting to argue with yourself and I soon find myself fighting to keep my eyes open.


When I open my eyes again I see that the movie is off and no one is in the room, except for myself and Niall.  Who is cuddled up to my side. I look at his face as he sleeps. 'Yeah that's not stalkerish.' 'Shut up brain'  I sigh and examine his face again, tuning out my brain.

His hair is ruffled from when he was shifting in his sleep and his lips slightly parted as he softly breaths in and out.  His breathing hitches and he slowly starts to wake up.  His eyes open and he blinks and looks around trying to reorient himself.  He looks up into my eyes and I don't look away even though I was caught staring at him sleeping. 'Still creepy.'  'I thought I told you to shut up.' I say to myself. 

Niall and I are still staring at eachother and I realize the gap between our faces has gotten smaller.  Probably only a few inches leaving our faces a good 12 inches away, but it was enough of a distance that I could realize it.  I wonder who moved closer, I mean, it couldn't have been me...

I am broken out of my thoughts by Niall who whispers, "We should probably go up to bed now huh."

"Yeah," I reply, but neither of us make any effort to move.  "Maybe we should just stay here," I suggest.  "Mmmm," he responds and he rests his head back on my shoulder.  I place my head on top of his without unwinding our bodies from how they were from the movie. 


Niall P.O.V.

When I wake up in the morning I think back to our short conversation during the night.  Our faces had gotten closer, but I don't think either of us knew who was the one moving.  'Maybe I do have a chance with him' I think.  I decide to put that thought to the test. I can't be like some character in a book or movie who doubts themselves.  Therefore, I, Niall Horan, am going to seduce Harry Styles.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I had fun wriiting this chapter.  Sorry it is short, but I can't wait to see what Niall is going to do!! (Literally! If you read the authors note above I have no clue what he is going to do)

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