The Bonus Chapter

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A.N: Hi everyone! So, there's still some edits being made to the last few chapters, however, today (07/26/22) is the three year anniversary of the Andi Mack finale. I missed writing the emails when I was doing the last few chapters, so I decided to write a bonus chapter of emails. Every email chapter tends to start with a reply to an email you never see, so I've decided to write those emails here.

Chapter 1:



DATE: August 23 at 11:15 PM


Dear Lucas,

I'm sorry for the late email. My math teacher made me miss practice in detention today because I forgot to complete my homework, and I was so tired after that I sat on the swings for a few hours.

I don't know what it is about the swings near here. I found them last year, and since then, I keep going to them whenever I just don't feel great. It's like, no matter how old you are, you can go and swing on them and you'll feel exactly like you did the first time you ever swung high on one. It's a great feeling.

Back to my math teacher, since I know you'd ask. Sometimes I think he has it out for me, because I might be the only person in the class that doesn't understand what he's talking about, so he just punishes me with detention, instead.

Do you have a better way of doing math? Or coping with stress, since math seems to be an ongoing issue?

- Jet


Chapter 3:



DATE: Oct 16 at 10:20 PM

SUBJECT: when you knew

Lucas -

I was facetiming with my cousins yesterday, and the topic of conversation landed on our first crushes. Obviously, I couldn't tell them that my first crush was a guy, but I keep thinking about it, so guess who gets to know? 

If you didn't pick up that it was you, please go get some sleep, get some breakfast, and reread this email.

Anyways, I didn't really have a crush until I was 13, and having spent a good chunk of time in California, I knew what having a crush on a guy meant. So I guess my first crush was when I knew.

It was my dad's wedding to my stepmom, and I saw this really cute guy. He was probably 16 or 17, six feet tall, and had the world's best smile. Me, this scruffy haired, barely 5'2 (just after hitting puberty) guy was following him around everywhere. Turns out, this guy's my stepcousin now. It's still embarrassing thinking about it now.

What do you think? Do you have an embarrassing story of when you knew? Or were you convinced you had a crush on a girl before the realization hit you?

- Lucas


Chapter 5



DATE: Oct 29 at 7:05 AM

SUBJECT: Hollow vein


It's almost candy snatching season, I mean, Halloween. Not that I'll be doing much candy stealing. Dad's got a late night course to teach this semester, so I'll be distributing candy to the masses, in a costume perfectly contrasting the vibe of the house. We spent all weekend buying supplies to make the house exceptionally spooky, and tomorrow, we put the hell right back in the holy water my neighbor distributes in lieu of candy every year. Is that a Midwest thing?

Anyways, I wish I was going to that party you mentioned, but my dad and I have it down to a system. As long as I can do things like help out around the house when he's at work, I can use the car or go hang out with friends on nights he's home. There'll always be other parties.

- Jet


Chapter 9 



DATE: Nov 11 at 7:34 PM



We're studying nutrition in Biology, and we had to create a nutrition survey for the class. It was pretty simple, actually, just a single question. I think my teacher was just too bored to come up with something more educational for the project.

All of the surveys were sent out anonymously, and each person is going to present the results this week and explain the answers. 

I just took on, and it was about food groups. I saved it, because it's so bizarre, and I'm attaching the screenshot for you:

So, I know which one isn't (tator tots), but the fact that there was an all of the above option was just completely bizarre

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So, I know which one isn't (tator tots), but the fact that there was an all of the above option was just completely bizarre. So of course, I had to choose that one. Maybe this survey maker meant none of the above? 

- Jet

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