Chapter 11 - 11/18/21

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DATE: Nov 18 at 3:30 AM


My face hurts. My brain has gone haywire. I feel like I've chugged 5 venti sized iced coffees and am having a massive crash, even though I've only had two grandes.

Why am I up at 3:30 in the morning, you might ask?

I don't know, but I know for sure that I want to crash any second now.

I'm just gonna email you, pray I don't sign this with my actual name, and hope you're okay with this. Because if I was sent an email this late and I was asleep, I would definitely wake up.

Today (yesterday?) was pretty freaking great. But tomorrow (today?), better call me Milo Manheim because I'll be playing the part of a zombie student. Five quizzes and an AP practice exam in une autre langue, which I'm fairly decent at but writing is NOT fun.

Since I can't sleep, I've been bingeing romance reality tv. Do you know there's one show where couples can only go on dates in pitch darkness? We could do that. We could find a room that's completely dark and just talk and hang out. That way we're totally anonymous. Thoughts?




DATE: Nov 18 at 7:15 AM



I don't know what to say. Is this a first where I really have to think about how I want to respond?

Okay, I came back to this after 15 minutes.

On one hand, I'm sorry you're essentially guaranteed a shitty day today, and I hope you at least got a semblance of sleep. On the other hand, you're pretty cute when you're exhausted. And you were pretty coherent for 4 A.M., but I feel like you really let yourself out when you get no sleep.

I don't watch reality tv much except competitions like MasterChef, so I've never heard of the show. But it's an interesting concept. How would we be able to disguise our voices, though?

- Jet

P.S.: a signature with your name pre-written is an option, you know.



DATE: Nov 18 at 7:32 PM


So, I'm a little scared to read what I wrote to you last night. But yes, I did get in a few hours of sleep and I skipped a period or two (not my quiz periods!). I'm glad you think I'm cute and grammatical, and ditto. Anyway, I don't really know what it was about.

Also, MASTERCHEF RULES. But S9 and 10 sucked.

I am still totally brain-dead. I think I did well on the quizzes though?

My family might be addicted to watching reality tv competitions. I'm not joking. Everyone watches it. My sister's cousin's boyfriend got their side of the family into reality tv.

You bring up a good point about voices, so I raise you...

Drumroll please...

A voice modulator à la Radio Rebel. Genius, right?

- Lucas

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