Chapter 29: 1/28/22

67 2 10

One unread email



DATE: Jan 28 at 9:27 AM



I've been writing and deleting and rewriting this email all week, and I still can't get it right. But I'm going to do this. So here we go.

I thought I had feelings for you. I definitely did for a while there.

But I guess somewhere along the way, I discovered that those feelings changed. They went back to someone I had feelings for for a while. And I discovered that this time I may have a chance.

I have feelings for Cyrus Goodman. Wow, that felt good to admit.

I apologized to him and we're on good terms now. Thank you for knocking some sense into me.

If you don't hate me too much, I really do want to meet in person. And I don't know what the hell I'm doing here, but I do know that you've been a great friend to me these last few months and I do want to make your acquaintance.

Tonight, there's a Closing Night afterparty at Andi Mack's place. They've even got a sick campfire set up in the backyard.

If you're okay with this, meet me on the bench in the backyard. I guarantee at least one karaoke song beforehand. Probably Born this Way.

I hope I'll see you.

Forever thankful,


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