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It's crazy how much a year can change things.

Today marks exactly a year from when I told TJ I was Lucas. The day we became boyfriends.

It should have been our one year anniversary. And I guess that it's mostly my fault.

In all our conversations, I never told him that I was blackmailed by Reed, too. That he saw the emails.

Reed decided to send an apology email to TJ, and he let him know that he tried to blackmail me. He couldn't have known I never told him.

TJ and I didn't break up then, but the feelings of distrust began there. In June, we decided that it was too much and we broke up.

He spends a lot of time with the basketball team, so I don't see him much. It hurts the most that I lost a friend when I lost him as a boyfriend. I miss texting him at 3 in the morning about my random life theories, only for him to call me at 4 AM the next day about theories for a show he's obsessed with.

Tonight is senior night for the play, the last night of high school theatre. We're doing High School Musical, and Ms. Albright cast me as Troy. I can't play basketball to save my life, but I can deal. Andi is Gabriella, Taylor is Sharpay, Walker's Chad, and Reed is, ironically, Ryan.

We do a bang up job and the sold out theatre gives us nothing short of standing ovations. Us seniors get bouquets, and first privilege to use the changing rooms after notes.

"All of you were fantastic. Seniors, I couldn't be prouder!" She exclaims. She tries to dismiss us but we want to hear the last ever notes.

"When I casted some of you, I feared you'd judge me for typecasting when it wasn't my intention. Sure I wanted ethnicities to match up where it should and diversity where it wasn't, but you all auditioned well for the roles you received. There was pitchiness at times but otherwise the whole show was beautiful."

With that, the notes move into individual feedback for the younger kids, so we head into the changing rooms.

At each of our vanities is a huge poster to congratulate us and a huge basket of our favorite goodies.

"This is so cool," Andi gushes.

"I know. I don't think I've even told the cast half of this stuff," I say, admiring a brioche bread loaf.

"They're like is when we were younger, getting the means necessary to congratulate the upperclassmen," Reed says.

Taylor holds up his phone and we record a message to all the littles. Andi follows up with a text for the details of the after party.

I'm helping her set up, so I'm driving her home. I've got my stuff ready, so all we need to do is get there and finish decorating from our quick setting up before school.

We're just about done with decorations when Andi's phone pings, "That was TJ. He says he's coming to the party."

"Cool," I shrug. It stings that it could've been an anniversary thing, but he should be allowed to come. It's one of the many parties to come this year for us seniors, and we should be enjoying them all.

The party begins without a hitch. Marty and Buffy are challenging everyone to dance offs, because anything with the word "pong" in it (except ping pong, which I'm the champ of) has been forbidden today. Andi and Jonah are manning the DJ station, playing amazing songs, while occasionally letting the party goers do Karaoke.

Kira bumps shoulders with me, "Hey CyJo."

"Hey KiKi. Enjoying the party?" I ask. I spot those mini powdered donuts she loves and plop them onto her plate.

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