Chapter 20 - 1/1/22

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A.N: I use the term cousin-triplet in this chapter, as a reference to three cousins who are born on the same day but aren't siblings. In this case, two are (AJ and DJ from the last chapter) but TJ isn't their biological sibling. I'm born on the exact same day as my cousin (but I'm 6 hours older) and we refer to ourselves as cousin-twins.



DATE: January 1 at 3:25 PM

SUBJECT: Next semester

Dear Lucas,

It's been a crazy winter break. And I know that it's not quite over yet, but a part of me is excited for the upcoming semester.

Your IRL self will probably find out with most of the school, but I wanted to tell you first.

I've said I'm an only child, which isn't exactly the case. Biologically, yes, I'm the only child of Sharon Kipnis-Franklin and Roger Kippen.

But I'm also a cousin-triplet. My cousin brother Andrew James and cousin sister Danielle Jane are twins, but I'm born on the same day as them both. We've called ourselves cousin-triplets since we were young.

They've been in town for the break because we haven't seen each other since I moved here, but they broke the news to us (at midnight, at that) that the Kipnis family is moving to Shadyside. They've found a house and everything.

AJ and DJ are my best friends, but I'm going back to school after being outed. I don't want them to get shit for being related to the outed gay guy (but I don't think they'd care). It's a weird situation.

Have you any advice?




DATE: January 1 at 5:47 PM

SUBJECT: RE:  Next semester


Wow. That must have been a lot to take in.

If your cousins don't care, I think that you should embrace the same. Let the people who matter know and they will have your back. I've heard Buffy Driscoll is the "kicker of ass" in the varsity basketball teams. Well, technically "the slayer," but I'd believe that she could kick ass.

There is nothing wrong with you. You are gay and I am too. We're in this together.

I know it might make easier if I'd just revealed myself to you. It's hard though. I hope my written support is enough for now.

If it helps, you can try to guess who I am. Although, I don't think you'd figure it out. I suspected it was you but it still surprised me.

-  Lucas



DATE: January 3 at 2:14 AM

SUBJECT: RE: Next semester


Sorry for the late reply. I spent all day helping my cousins move in and I just got back to my room. They live next door, which will be interesting. Though my Aunt Sidney swears they didn't know when they found the house (which is valid as they've never been to Shadyside until this winter).

Thanks for the advice, and I'll definitely think about it.

As to the guessing game, here's what I know so far:

1. You go to Shadyside
2. You love Queen
3. You have an older sister and a younger adoptive sister.
4. Your younger sister has a cousin named Blue, who now has a little sister named Grace.
5. You give good advice.

I know there's more, but I'm exhausted. I wanted to crank this email out before I fall asleep, though.

My guess: Marty Du Fête?




DATE: January 3 at 9:30 PM

SUBJECT: RE:  Next semester


You were very cohesive for 2 in the morning, so I'm impressed. Though I think the exhaustion must have gotten to you, because unless Marty has a younger and older sister we never met, I don't think he fits the criteria except for the first and maybe the second.

Do I write like the Party God?

I'm not offended, by the way.


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