Chapter 15 - 12/11/21

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DATE: December 11 at 6:19 PM


Dear Jet,

Did you do it? Did you do the Coming Out Thing?

- Lucas



DATE: December 11 at 10:21 PM


Dear Lucas, 

Okay, so I need to be honest. I couldn't find that courage that you had. So I didn't exactly do it.

I got there, and mom had gotten a booth aways from the regular crowd. It was our thing before my parents got divorced. We always got a booth away from everyone, so it could be our own world. It was in a particularly Christmas-y section of the restaurant, and the workers were all dressed up in Christmas outfits. She'd brought a present for me to open early. She'd really tried to make everything good for our day, and it was really nice. My stomach was churning, because I really wanted to come out to her. But I didn't want to straight out of the gate, so I decided to wait until we'd finished with the presents and hopefully dinner.

So, you know how Burt Hummel claimed to have known Kurt was gay since he was three? Yeah, my mom was nothing like that. I'm officially positive that she has no idea I'm gay, because she got me A History of Love by CASANOVA. The reason the word womanizer exists.

Looking back, there really was a perfect opportunity. I could've asked her to switch it for Oscar Wilde. I don't know, Lucas. I think it kinda stopped me in my tracks. Please don't be mad. It can be really overwhelming with divorced parents. So maybe I shouldn't focus on the separation situation?

So I've decided. I'm going to tell them together. After the relatives leave, before mom leaves.

Why is it so much easier to talk about all of this with you?

- Jet



DATE: December 12 at 4:46 PM



I can't believe your mom got you a book by Casanova. Just when you think your parents couldn't be more clueless, right?

I get the Coming Out thing. I just got lucky and had severely honed detective skills (I watched too much Sherlock and read as many of the novels I could find). I know you wanted to, and I'm sorry, Jet. But I'm glad you've decided to tell them together. Hope you get lucky like me.

If by chance something might happen...

I'm attaching the address information of Leah Burke and Abby Suso. They're my cousin's fiancé's best friends, and they're together. I would offer you a place at my home but if we're going to keep this email thing, maybe not. But if you decide in that situation you might be, my door is always open. They are ready to help any LGBT kids who were kicked out of their homes. They've taken in so many kids and helped them find someone to stay with permanently, help them get on their feet, or take them in for good. Neither want kids of their own but they love that they can do this for other kids like them, that they can give all the kids they've helped a place to call home. And if you really need it, say the word, Jet, and I'll give you my real contact information, consequences be damned. You and your safety matter more to me than my hidden identity, I promise.

As for why it's easier to talk to me about stuff, maybe because I'm so cute and grammatical? And do you really think I'm grammatical? Because Mr. Bag says I have a thing about sentences, that I really need more semicolons. Though I guess it doesn't stop him from scoring my papers so high.

- Lucas



DATE: December 13 at 4:52 PM



Just so you know, you being cute isn't the only reason you're so easy to talk to, because it really should be the opposite. In real life, I'm just way too friendly to guys I think are cute. There's this guy who I had serious feelings for for a long time. He's my best friend. Hopefully, mainly because I'm so friendly with him. But it's not really feelings, anymore. Not since I started emailing you.

But I know the real reason you're asking is because you wanted to hear me call you cute again, so here you go. You're cute, Lucas. Seriously cute. 

So, I'm not sure whether you meant to tell me your English teacher's name. You're dropping a lot of clues, Lucas. Sometimes, I wonder if you drop more hints than you meant to.

Anyways, thanks for listening. Thanks for everything. It was a surreal weekend, that's for sure, but talking to you made it so much better.

I also wanted to add this, which is the whole reason I took so long to respond. What you sent to me as a resource if things don't go might have caused me to tear up a bit. I know we're close to some extent, but the fact that you would do all that for me, to the extent of potentially outing yourself to me just so I have a safe space to stay, means more to me than you know. Thank you, Lucas.

- Jet



DATE: December 13 at 7:11 PM



So the Mr. Bag thing was slightly intentional. You mentioned that English essay and only Bag's class is currently doing it. So I took a leap of faith there, and I also might have mentioned it in my long rant email. It's one of those days I wish I had Zenera-Ortega or Queenson, but I like sharing this class similarity with you. I guess you can really narrow things down in a major way, if you choose to. I've decided against it. You're more careful than I am, so I'm guessing you wouldn't know how particular English teachers are at this school, specifically at not doing similar syllabi.

So, who are all these cute guys that you get super friendly with? Because I have no idea how I have so many guy friends, and even though I have a best friend, there's this one guy I've known for a few years that I feel a lot closer with. I guess he's cute too. All the guy friends I have are sorta cute. Maybe that's my thing, too.

Keep me posted about all forthcoming conversations with your parents, okay?

And as for hints...there's a guy who I've kinda suspected might be you a few times. Nothing obvious, just one hint when there were people around and another from an old email. Before you panic, just know that I pushed that thought to the back of my head, because I'd rather revel in the mystery. And by pushing that guess away, I'm not even trying to make potential comparisons. I want to find out who you are when you tell me, if we decide we want to do that.

With all this talk about hints and identities, I'm honestly curious to know if there's anyone you've thought I am based on hints. But you don't have to tell.

- Lucas

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