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A.N: In Simon vs. the Homosapien Agenda, Abby has twin cousins named Cassie and Molly (who I continuously associate with these twins from a game I play with similar personalities). While writing AJ and DJ for this story I figured them as this story's version of Cassie and Molly.

The start of the new year. Before the 24th, it was just another day, another time to be somewhat closeted to the world and email the mysterious Jet Kelly.

But now I know Jet is actually TJ. That TJ has had feelings for me for some time, and maybe still does. And I've come out to my own friends. So things aren't quite as easy going as they could have been.

Now that I'm out to my friends, does that mean I have to come out to everyone? They say that coming out is a big deal but honestly, you have to come out over and over. It's not like you get the ability to hold the world's attention for a minute and announce that you are gay.

I also really want to punch Reed. And I think Andi wants to, too. Andi decided to break up with Reed when we're back at school and I couldn't agree more. I wasn't really afraid of him outing me anymore. He didn't even have the blackmail and he probably used the best he could ever come up with on TJ. He deserves whatever's coming for him.

And then there's the new kids in town, the Kipnis twins. Am I hurt that he never mentioned them? Sort of. Am I hurt that the only time he talked about them in our emails was when he called them his best friends? Definitely. I know my anger isn't exactly justified because he grew up with them, but he's always called me his best friend and then it's almost like he'd forgot about me.

With the winter comes an expansion of my right to drive. So long as I take Kira, I can take the others. Andi, Jonah, and Buffy all pile in, and waiting for them is milkshakes from The Spoon that Kira and I picked up on the way to their houses as a thank you for the new situation. 

"Since I'm driving y'all, I'm going to be choosing the music," I state as I connect my phone to my car's Bluetooth (we're just outside of Buffy's).

"But you love showtunes!" Jonah protests good-naturedly.

"You want to listen to your own music, drive yourself," I say, choosing the playlist of Hamilton and cranking it up. Just to be annoying, I queue up You'll Be Back and What Comes Next three times.

Jonah groans, "Are you going to hold my failing 6 times over me?"

"Yes!" We all chorus.

Jonah's the lone senior in the group, so he's had multiple chances to pass. He's officially on his third permit. I'm convinced he'll have failed in every DMV in Midwest before he passes.

About halfway through the ride, Jonah almost startles us, "I heard back from Northwestern and Northeastern. I got in!"

"Okay dude pick the music since you clearly need a reward," I agree after we all chorus our congrats.

He picks a playlist by Asher Angel and some other singers (Jules LeBlanc, Hayden Summerall, Kenzie Ziegler, Johnny Orlando) and we all groan. He has...strange taste in music.

"This again, dude?" Buffy says. We're almost at the school.

"This song is new, Buffy," he protests. It appears to be called I Cried?

"How do you even know that?"

He sighs, "I just released it this morning?"

Thank goodness I just parked because I'd have slammed the brakes. Andi's first to speak up, "You're Asher Angel?"

"Yeah," he shrugs as he disconnects from the Bluetooth.

"So that's why you've always been busy lately?"

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