Chapter 7 - 10/31/21

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A.N: In Simon v. The Homosapien Agenda, there are some topics discussed in emails which are explicit. The book involves two 17 year olds with no actors tied to them, and both actors for Simon and Bram are above the age of 18 in the movie. Andi Mack, a beautiful TV show in its own right which will be dearly missed, involves the characters in middle school. Luke Mullen and Joshua Rush may be 17, but they are still minors AND their characters are 14 in the show. Although this story ages them up, it would be wrong to describe explicitness when the actors that portray them are minors. Therefore, there will be no explicit content in the emails or story-wise. I have never written explicit content in a story on Andi Mack that I published before, but as the basis of this story comes from a more mature novel, I thought this would be necessary to put an Author's Note.



DATE: Oct 31 at 9:50 PM

SUBJECT: All Hallow's Eve


I hope your Halloween was excellent, and that your simplicity and badassery hit the mark. I had a grand time at Marty's party, of course. Has he trademarked that name yet? Also, I have a ton of leftover Reeses Pieces from Halloween so guess who's eating them all night?

I can't believe it's already almost homecoming. I'm excited about it. Make no mistake, baseball is the only sport I enjoy watching, but I really like going to the homecoming game. I guess it's something about the lights and the drumbeats and the scent of the air. Fall air always smells like possibility. Or maybe I just like ogling the cheerleaders. You know me.

Did you do anything interesting this weekend? We were supposed to have suck nice weather. Excuse me, duck nice weather. ☺




DATE: Oct 31 at 10:30 PM

SUBJECT: RE: All Hallow's Eve

Very funny, Jet. VERY FUNNY.

Anyway, I'm glad you had a great time at the party. No, he hasn't, but someone should do that for him for Secret Santa.

I'm glad you didn't have to do candy distribution, but I'm going to go on a wild guess and say there probably wouldn't have been that many kids anyway. Granted, if we had just left the bowl out, the kids in my neighborhood would have taken candy by the fistful while cackling with villainous laughter, and they probably would have peed on the note for good measure. But maybe the kids in your neighborhood are more civilized.

But seriously, leftover Reese's? Is it possible to send chocolate over email these days? PLEASE SAY IT IS. My Halloween wasn't bad. It would have been even better if it was later at night. I don't think it was really my scene, but it was definitely interesting. I got to see a bunch of people lose at ginger beer-pong and then consecutively lose miserably to Marty and Buffy Driscoll in races. I did attempt karaoke after watching so many people fail miserably. I guess it was nice to step out of my comfort zone (wait—I didn't just ruin my chance of convincing you I'm a hardcore party ninja, right?).

So, I keep thinking about the idea of secret identities. Do you ever feel locked into yourself? I'm not sure if I'm making sense here. I guess what I mean is that sometimes it seems like everyone knows who I am except me. Would that make who I know myself to be a secret identity?

Okay, I'm glad you mentioned homecoming, because I totally forgot that Spirit Week is this week. Tomorrow is Decades Day, right? I guess I should check online so I can avoid making an ass of myself. Honestly, I can't believe they schedule Spirit Week right after Halloween. Grant really blows its load on costume days all at once. My older sister used to complain about it ALL THE TIME, but based on the amount of shopping she used to do, it's not like she was missing out anyway. How do you think you'll dress up for Monday? I know you're not going to answer that.

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