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TJ's been sharing his experience with the whole email exchange situation, and Lucas feels familiar in a really annoying way. When we're walking out of the auditorium, it hits me. 

Cyrus. Cyrus is a character in Pokémon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum. Cyrus is smart, obviously. He's Jewish, but his name is in the Old Testament.

He's also the kid that TJ has been obsessed with since he moved here. Until Danielle and I moved here, it felt like he'd almost forgotten about us.

And just when Lucas cut off communication with TJ because he was jealous that he considered us his best friends and not someone like Cyrus. Which is flattering. But then Cyrus avoided him too.

Plus, I've seen his writing in class. The note he gave him is very similar to how he does notes in group projects. He clearly has disguised it somehow, but it is pretty obvious to me.

How dare this kid think he can just mess with TJ like that?

If I know theatre kids (and being a theatre kid myself, I think I would), they'd be celebrating a successful performance day with carb-y food. Which means either The Spoon or Wa-Ho around these parts. 

I make my way to The Spoon, and get lucky. In the window I see Cyrus with the group of theatre kids, who seem to be celebrating his success as Fagin.

I walk in after a few moments and go directly to Cyrus, who's at the counter ordering more baby taters, "We need to talk."

He turns to me in surprise and quickly deduces I'm not TJ, "Fine. Give me a few minutes and we'll talk outside."

I roll my eyes and wait outside. Sure enough, he comes outside in about five minutes, "What do you want?"

"I know you're Lucas, the boy TJ's been emailing with."

Clearly he had to have been cast for a reason, as his face gives away no surprise, "If you made that conclusion, you had to have evidence for it."

"Lucas confirmed the name was a reference to Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum's male player character. Cyrus is the leader of Team Galactic in those games and the Ultra Pokémon games. Your email address is a line from Bohemian Rhapsody, a song you karaoke'd with TJ on Halloween. You're Jewish, but your name is in the Old Testament. Plus, the handwriting on the note on the shirt you gave TJ, which is also a pretty obvious reference, is very similar to the handwriting on your class notes."

"That would be conclusive."

"You hid your identity but only in a way that TJ couldn't figure out. He isn't exactly the brightest bulb in the lights."

"Don't demean him, he's extremely intelligent."

"Whatever. My point is that you know him. You call him your best friend. You were there for him when he got outed but you couldn't have come out to him? You couldn't have told him you were Lucas when he came out to you as TJ?"

"I didn't even know he was the boy I was emailing until he told me. And I wasn't ready to be out yet. I was out to my family and a single friend at that point."

"And yet, you still got the choice," I retort.

"Are you blaming me for TJ getting outed?"

I shrug, "I don't see why not. If you'd gone with him to the mountain biking place he would never have done such idiotic actions that would get him blackmailed. He may not blame you but it's really clear. And then you have the nerve to not say a damn thing to him? You just layer what he did wrong but you never consider that maybe you are the one who's wrong?"

"What do you want, Andrew?"

"Stay the fuck away from TJ, for one. He deserves a better best friend than one who gets jealous that he as other best friends. Who's got his back and doesn't keep secrets when it matters most."

"Are you going to tell him my identity?"

"No. Because he deserves better than to be hung up about someone like you."

I walk away, leaving him to contemplate. And a small smile makes it way to my face as I walk back to my car, ready to drive to my job at the Kumon in Midwest City (which is like an hour away. I worked at the one in Danville, so I just transferred locations).

When we all lived in the same area, I wasn't the best brother figure. Not to Danielle, nor to TJ. I was the oldest of the three of us, I should've been the one to help out when I knew how, and not leave Dani and TJ to figure things out together. So when we moved here, I promised to myself I'd do a better job at brotherhood.

When I get home, I'm surprised to see TJ and Danielle in my room. TJ stands up and to my surprise, punches me, "What did you say to Cyrus?"

"What are you talking about?" 

"Andi called me an hour ago, telling me that you made him go outside with you and when he came back into The Spoon, he was near tears and broke down in front of Andi when driving her home. She said he refused to say what you said but you clearly said some stupid shit. So what the hell did you say to him?"

"Only what he deserved."

He glares at me, "And what, pray tell, is that?"

"That he shouldn't be acting so jealous that you consider us best friends more than him to the point where he's ignoring you when he's the reason you got outed."

"What the fuck does that mean?"

"He didn't come with you that day when you went dirt biking with Reed and Lester. If he did you wouldn't have done such stupid shit that got you blackmailed."

"No. Cyrus would have immediately chosen to leave when he saw the gun, and he would have pushed me to leave with him. I'd have been stupid and refused to leave and it would've led to the same incidents. I chose the wrong person to kiss that day. That was all on me. You don't get to say that about Cyrus. Or any of my friends."

"So you'd choose Cyrus over me?" I scoff.

He stares me straight into the eyes for a long minute. Finally he answers, "I would. He's been there for me since I came here, seeing past my jerk jock persona to the real person I am. Whereas you choose now to be a good brother when you've neglected that for almost 17 years!"

"I..." I search for words, and the ones I do end up saying aren't ones I wanted to, "I know who Lucas is."

"I don't care. He made his point very clear and I need to work on myself before I even consider trying to figure myself out."

He and Danielle leave. I change out of my clothes and lay on my bed, trying to figure out what I'd done wrong.

Twenty minutes later, mom comes in, "Andrew. What is this I hear about what you said to TJ's friend?"

"I was just trying to stand up for TJ," I say, accepting defeat.

"I'm really disappointed. This isn't the first time you've acted up this year and it feels like it has to do with Shadyside."

"I don't know," I admit.

"Whatever it is, I've decided that you're grounded. You will go to school and work and come right back home. Unless you have an assignment, no electronics after 10. Is that clear?"

"What about the spring musical?"

"We'll see then."

"It's clear, then. But can I ask you something, Mom?"

"What is it?"

"I really just want to go back home. To Danville."

"Tell you what. You stay on your best behavior, and I'll think about it. Your sister loves it here so if we do let you move back home, it will have to be with just your dad or me."

"Fine. Thank you for thinking about it."

"When you behave well, we do take your wishes into consideration, you know," she says, "Now you should probably get your homework done if you want to use your internet time after that."

Cyrus v. the Homosapien AgendaWhere stories live. Discover now