Chapter 33: 2/28/22

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DATE: Feb 28 at 5:24 PM

SUBJECT: sorry doesn't even begin to cover it


I know you'll probably never read this. Or read it once and then toss it in the email trash. I know I deserve it.

I don't know where to begin with this, so I have to at least start with an "I'm sorry". Even though sorry isn't even close to enough for what I did.

The power went to my head. Even though I thought I'd get off scot free from the whole gun thing because of my dad, I held it all against you. And my cousin. 

It probably won't change much, but I'm going to spend the summer at a sort of juvie/rehab center to help me figure out what wrongs I've done and how to fix them. To learn how to not use my dad to get away with things anymore because I know that it's not going to get me far in life.

Cyrus probably told you this, but he accidentally forgot to log out of the school computers while he was doing the email thing with you and I took screenshots. I blackmailed him too, making him help me get Andi Mack in exchange for deleting those emails. And he did, even though he and Andi weren't exactly happy to do so, to protect the anonymity. But by then I think I figured out that it was you who was "Jet Kelly" and not some other closeted LGBT kid. Some of what I saw in the couple of emails I read matched up with what you had told me when we were friends too much to be a coincidence.

I was so thirsty for power, craving that ability to manipulate and blackmail because I had knowledge you two didn't want out. 

I wonder what would have happened if I'd put up the screenshots, outing you or Cyrus, instead. It would have been far less crude than the post I did put up, but it would also have revealed yourself to each other before either of you were ready for that. So it is a really good thing I deleted those before anything bad could happen.

So I'm going to sign off now. I'm glad you and Cyrus have found boyfriends in each other. You were always so close, maybe the emails weren't super necessary. Not that I'm saying they aren't at all of course.

You were a good influence to me, Kippen. And my idiocy made me let go of probably the truest friend I have ever had. I'm sorry that I'm realizing it too late.

You likely don't ever want to be friends with me, or forgive me, and that's well deserved. But I want to become a better person than I have been, and I'm going to do my damnedest to prove that to you and Cyrus.

Take care, Kippen.


Reed D'or.

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