Chapter 24 - 1/9/22

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A.N.: I've probably reached this milestone a while ago but this is officially the longest story I've ever wrote on Wattpad! And it'll be over in like 10-ish chapters as per how the book Simon v. the Homosapien Agenda goes. Thank you for following along on this journey!

This is, essentially, the last email focused chapter in the book, and it is focused on the distorted reality that Cyrus knows TJ is Jet, but TJ does not know that Cyrus is Lucas. How much can having that knowledge in real life while it continues on keep a person involved in a secret email exchange? How much can a person take, knowing the other hasn't yet figured out who this person is, before cracking? 



DATE: Jan 9 at 8:23 PM

SUBJECT: RE: Really?

I mean, I get it. Just because I was careless doesn't mean it was fair to push you into revealing yourself before you're ready. And believe me, I'm the freaking expert on that. But now you know my superhero identity and IDK yours - and that's weird, right?

I don't know what else to say. Anonymity served a purpose for us, and I get that. But now I want to know you for real.





DATE: Jan 10 at 3:12 PM

SUBJECT: RE: Really?

Well, Lucas is kind of my superhero identity, so you're really talking about my civilian identity. But that's obviously miles away from the point. It's just that I don't know what else to say. I'm truly sorry, TJ.

Anyway, it looks like things are working out the way you wanted them to. So, good for you.

- Lucas.



DATE: Jan 10 at 3:45 PM

SUBJECT: RE: Really?

Working out the way I wanted them to? What the heck are you talking about?


- TJ



DATE: Jan 12 at 12:18 AM

SUBJECT: RE: Really?

Seriously, I don't know what in God's holy name you're talking about, because pretty much nothing seems to be working out the way I want it to.

Okay - I get that you don't want to text. And you don't want to meet in person. Fine. But I hate that everything's different now, even in our emails. I mean, yes, it's an awkward situation. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I really do understand if you don't find me attractive or whatever. I'll get over it. But you're kind of my best friend in a lot of ways, and I really want to keep you.

Can we just pretend none of this ever happened and go back to normal?

- Jet



DATE: Jan 15 at 5:23 PM

SUBJECT: RE: Really?

I spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to write this email. So, three days later, here it goes.

I'm done.

And it's not just the Jonah thing, or the incident from last week with Gus. Yeah, I saw that. There's a lot to it.

You called me, Lucas, your best friend. A few weeks ago you called those twin cousins of yours your best friends. And for a really long time, the whole school knew you called Cyrus Goodman your best friend and he considered you the same way. No, he considers you as such.

Anyone with eyes can see that you've changed. I don't know if it's because you've been hyper-fixated on those cousins of yours or if you've been spending all your time trying to figure out who I am, but you're different. And maybe those friends of yours don't want to say it so I am right now. 

You may say you've changed but there's nothing right now that's keeping you from being the dick you once were. If you keep trying to salvage whatever this is, that's the way it's going to go.

You said I was your best friend. A person who's only been talking to you since the early school year. Before you came to Grant you've likely had many really close friends, and we know your established best friend. The same friend who came to your side at the park the same day you were outed. Who didn't care what people thought because in that moment it mattered more to him to be there for you in your time of need than to think about any rumors that might have erupted.

Before you consider whatever this relationship is, I need you to think about who you've been brushing aside on this quest to re-normalize your life. The TJ I thought I knew would figure out a way to make this right. Hell, if not the TJ, the Jet I knew did.

- Lucas.

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