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A.N. The events of this chapter essentially take place the same time as last chapter. This switches back to Cyrus' POV.

In the original story, Simon is outed but Bram doesn't see the post, because he's not in Internet connection range and doesn't follow the Tumblr. Bram deducts the situation on his own.

In this story, Cyrus has escaped Reed's blackmail, but TJ did not. TJ was outed because of his choice to tell the truth, which he will not regret. Cyrus follows the Tumblr so he does see the post, and the revelation of Jet being TJ (as well as the mention of his name in the email) sets off a bit of a change in Cyrus.

The link atop is what inspired the first part of this chapter. As a Mortal Instruments' book series fan, I didn't like the show all that much. But this scene was one of my favorite moments.

I'm at the altar for the wedding to Iris to help strengthen my family's reputation. Neither of us are in love with the other but it is for the greater good.

The music Iris chose to walk down the altar to, Ruelle's War of Hearts, starts to play. Amber, Iris' maid of honor, walks down the aisle, smiling serenely. As the bridge to the chorus starts, she stops and step to the side so that Jonah, my best man, can walk with her. Andi walks down next, arm in arm with Reed, my second groomsman. He turned out to be not that bad of a dude when he isn't blackmailing me. Last is Buffy and Marty.

I can't help but look into the audience to see if TJ came. We had an argument before the wedding but he promised he'd be here. I hide my dejected face as best as I can before Iris walks in. her hair is done up in an elaborate braid. Her dress is strapless, beaded in the top. 

Once she is up, the ceremony begins. I go through the motions, but once we begin the saying of vows, we hear footsteps before I can say "I do."

We turn to the door as TJ walks in, dressed in jet black. His hair is spiked up smartly, and he's applied eyeliner for the occasion.

I hear Kira say to our parents, "What is he doing here?"

Jonah whispers, "Who invited him?"

Amber's response shocks me, "I did, but I didn't think he'd come."

Kira begins to walk towards him, and I remember all those times where I felt like I may be ready to come out but her heteronormativity kept it from happening. 

"TJ," she starts.

"Save it, Kira. I'll only leave if Cyrus wants me to," he says, looking directly at me, making me remember our last conversation and what he told me.

"You lose your breath every time they enter the room. Your heart beats faster every time they walk by. Your skin tingles every time they stand close enough to feel their breath. I know you feel the same way I feel, Cyrus."

"Cyrus, hey," Iris calls out softly. 

I span back to reality and look at her. She smiles at me, "Are you okay?"

"I...I can't breathe," I start.

She puts a comforting hand on my shoulder, "I know."

"I...I can't do this," I admit and she looks at me in surprise, "I thought I was doing the right thing, but..."

"Hey, you don't need to explain to me. You deserve to be happy. Don't worry about me."

I nod, thankful that she's so nice. 

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