A Final Andi Mack Author's Note

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A.N: Woah. This was going to be the last chapter, guys, but the author's note got too long so the AN will be a separate chapter from the final chapter. I published chapter 1 over a year ago, with a very fixed idea for how this was going to go and with the idea to publish weekly. Neither of those ideas lasted long, but I think the longer time in between chapters allowed me to really develop this story.

As promised, here is the list of characters matched up with their Simon-verse counterparts. Of course, I have realized that making characters exactly like their counterparts was not the best idea, and finding ways to make them like and unlike their counterparts was a fun journey.

The Characters -> Their Counterparts:

Cyrus Goodman -> Simon Spier (mostly) and Bram Greenfeld

TJ Kippen -> Bram Greenfeld (mostly) and Simon Spier

Andi Mack -> Abby Suso

Jonah Beck -> Nick Eisner

Buffy Driscoll -> Leah Burke

Marty DuFête -> Garrett Laughlin

Reed D'Or -> Martin Addison 

Amber Goodman -> Alice Spier

Kira Goodman -> Nora Spier

Leslie Goodman -> Emily Spier

Norman Goodman -> Jack Spier

Gus -> Cal Price

Brittany -> Mrs. Albright

Coach Bag -> Mr. Wise

Libby -> Taylor Metternich

Taylor Metternich -> Taylor Metternich

Natalie - Anna

Katelyn - Morgan 

If you want to know about any other characters (the continuity of character names isn't great, sorry), please let me know! As for DJ and AJ, they're OCs I "borrowed" from my story "The Kippens", with similar-ish personalities. In this story, though, they're basically the wedge that's driven between Cyrus and TJ.

Publishing this last chapter and completing this book signifies the end of a two year era of writing Andi Mack stories. Swingsets received so much love, which I never expected, and even over a year after AM ended, I love getting notifications that someone voted on a chapter of one of the three stories or added it to their reading list.

With this chapter, I will be done with writing Andi Mack stories, at least for a while. This show has meant so much to me, and I think that writing this, my longest story on Wattpad thus far, does that meaningfulness justice.

Swingsets changed through the hiatus I self-imposed during the actual hiatus after the Bar Mitzvah episode. Didn't have a set direction for it initially, though, but when I decided to do the time jump with flashbacks (which confused a lot of people for some reason), I think that was the best direction Swingsets could have gone. Terrence Jacob and Cyrus Josiah Kippen-Goodman will forever live on in that happy ending. The inspirational quotes as chapter titles are also super fun to look back at. As of the time I am writing this, there are 26.8k reads, which STILL shocks the hell outta me. If you followed me from Swingsets to CVTHSA, THANK YOU! Fun Fact about this story, I definitely was cramming in as many Disney references in there, with Avalon High (Allie Kippen-Wagner and Will Wagner), Backstage (mostly Jax but with mentions of the others), and The Lodge (Jonah's band). If I would go back to it, i'd give the characters mentioned in the story a bit of an actual appearance within it. Also, Amber being Cyrus' cousin started as a random thing I wrote for a one-shot type of thing I did when I still shipped Jyrus (back in Season 1) which I never published. I wrote them being secretly super close, and it ended up happening in Season 2! Some of the nicknames that she gave him in my one shot, like "Cy-Fi" and "Cyde" made their way into the three stories published here, though.

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