CHAPTER 2-First impressions

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But before words commenced
further to action,a voice could
be heard "What is going on
here? Nevermind that, kids to
your classes now!" A sudden
teacher says.

Kids groaning filled
the halls, but in a matter of
seconds all dispatches themselves
like lightning bolt. All was left of
was of course Nicholas and his
group of bad boys who stays defiance and unmoving with Nicholas constant glaring down at Nichole who remains unfazed and reverts his actions with as much brute.

"Boys did you forget anything of importance? which am quite certain could be easily restored right around this corner straight up to detention," the teacher gives a threatening remark, voice stern.

Meanwhile,on the other hand Nicholas doesn't budge or looks the least bit fazed if anything his menace glaring only intensifies some more,as he watched in distaste the girl who stood defiantly right before his very gazes. But after one final glare he struts away, accompained by his group of bad boys.

The teacher let's out a sharp breathing, "Glad that's over. Now..." She turns to Nichole and her eyes instantly shimmers whilst she puts on a smile "You must be the new student,Mr. Luce spoke all about you, well your arrival I mean; Nichole Luce... was it?" She says uncertain.

"Yep that's me, the one and only."

"Well it's nice to finally meet you Miss Luce. Now come with me, I will take you to see the principal so you can get your schedule for the day and all other necessities to continue the rest of your day in. In the meantime, we will sort out a tour guide just for you so you would be comfortable your time here."

"That's such a nice thing ma'am, and I thank you for your time and concern,but a tour guide won't be necessary, pretty sure I could find my way around this school no matter," she replies with a gleam of hope.

"Okay if you say so,come with me then,the Principal awaits."

They passed through routes,left and right to be precise with mostly halls everywhere.

Meanwhile, Nichole keeps a fixated eye on her environment if possible even embedding a map at the back of her mind.

Soon they came to an abrupt stop and only then do she take notice the door in front of them. It was located right at the middle of halls it stood tall and away from all others.

"We are here,you may approach, the principal awaits," She instructs almost ready to take her leave.

"Sure thing. Thanks by the way for all your help, am really grateful."

"Your welcome Miss Luce, but of Course it's no stress of mine, just glad to be of help. Although I might add, if your as grateful as you say, then you will keep out of Nicholas Henderson way," She scolds, voice stern.

"Okay, I'll be sure to keep in mind, but in the meantime thanks again," With that said,she takes a bold step, and was in the door in no time.

"A pleasure meeting you,Miss Luce. Now take your seat and let's commence."

An older lady says beside her desk, to which Nichole manages a Curt nod and takes her own seat right across from the other lady in the room.

It turned out she was located at locker 413. She places a combination. When done, she tosses all her contents in, and slamming her locker shut,she made her way to her second lesson of the day, English.

But when she does get in, what caught her eyes were the boys ogling at her and awestricken girls, but even still all this, she was used to this kind of attention.

"You must be the new student, care to introduce yourself ?"

The teacher says breaking the silence. While Nichole could tell that the teacher already knew who she was, she didn't mind an introduction.

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