The Park

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Once we got out of the car Chris and I took Dodger off to the fenced in area we saw a bunch of dogs running around and playing in. Once he was dropped off we walked over to some nearby vending machines and got some drinks.

"So, we said you owned a dog before. What kind of dog?" I asked.

"A bulldog names East. He was such a chunker but a huge cuddler too." Chris said I smiled. This made me miss my dog so much.

"So what about you? You said you left your dog with you parents when you moved with the horrible dog hating ex-boyfriend." Chris said and I laughed.

"She's a mutt basically. Her mom was part chow, part rottweiler and her dad was part husky part german shepard." I said and Chris looked at me shocked.

"Mutt indeed." Chris said and I nodded.

"She was born in the shelter I worked at in Boston and I fell in love instantly. She was the runt of the litter and everyone was convinced she wasn't going to make it but I refused to give up hope and took care of her and she is now 2 years old and thriving." I said and Chris smiled. I pulled out my phone and showed Chris a picture of my dog.

"What's her name?" Chris asked.

"Boots. Noticed her legs?" I asked and he looked. She was mostly all black except for her legs. From her paws about halfway up her legs was light brown.

"Looks like she has boots on." Chris said and I nodded.

"Seemed fitting." I said. He smiled and then pulled out his phone and showed me a picture of him cuddling a bulldog and they were sleeping.

 He smiled and then pulled out his phone and showed me a picture of him cuddling a bulldog and they were sleeping

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"He was adorable Chris." I said and he smiled. "Chunker for sure." I said and he laughed.

"Yeah never missed a meal for sure." Chris said. "Which reminds me we should probably stop before getting on the highway and get Dodger some stuff for the road. Like food and maybe a bed." Chris said and I nodded.

"Yeah, sounds good. Let me look up at local pet store." I said and started looking it up on my phone, finding a store. I looked at Chris and smiled.

"Thanks for this by the way. I mean I could have just taken the bus home." I said and he shook his head.

"We are going around the same place, you get more time with Dodger and you get home a lot quicker than on a bus." Chris said and I nodded.

"Yeah, the bus was making like 3 stops overnight." I said and Chris sighed shaking his head.

"Well, I know we will have to stop at least one night. Is that okay?" Chris asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, I can cover my room and stuff so no big deal there." I said and Chris nodded.

"Who does Dodger stay with though?" Chris asked and I smiled.

"You, of course. You are his owner now." I said and Chris nodded. Looked and saw Dodger sitting at the gate just looking at us. I smiled and looked at Chris.

"I think someone is ready to go." I said and Chris smiled as we he walked over to the gate and hooked Dodger to his leash.

"You done playing bubba?" I asked as Chris brought him over to me and I scratched behind his ears.

"I think he missed us too much." Chris said and I nodded.

"Well, what do you say we get to the pet store and then hit the road until dinner time then we get a hotel." I said and Chris nodded.

"Sounds like a plan." Chris said and I smiled. We headed back to the car and headed to the pet store buying everything Dodger needed and maybe some stuff he didn't need too but we wanted to get him.


Once we stopped at a hotel that night, we had to make sure it was one that accepted dogs. We stopped at had some dinner on the way to the hotel at a burger joint and sat outside so we could have Dodger with us. Chris and I got rooms next to each other and I smiled as Chris and Dodger walked me to my door that night.

"So, what time do you we should get one the road tomorrow?" Chris asked and I shrugged.

"That's up to you guys." I said and Chris sighed.

"Wake up call around 8, on the road by 9?" Chris asked and I nodded.

"Yeah sounds, good." I said and Chris smiled. He then handed me his extra room key.

"In case you need something just come on in." Chris said and I sighed and handed him mine.

"Sounds like a plan." I said. I smiled.

"Good night, Chris." I said and he smiled.

"Good night, Elise." Chris said and I bent down and kissed Dodger's muzzle.

"And good night to you good boy." I said and he licked my face. I unlocked my door and went in my room. I shut the door and fell against it.

-No Elise...stop those feelings, it's the dog. You have feelings for him because he is helping the dog you love.-

I had to keep reminding myself of this. Chris was a nice guy and over the past 2 weeks we had grown to know some about each other, but Dodger was always the buffer. I went and took a shower to relax and just clear my mind from any kind of thoughts of Chris.

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