Episode 10 Water Magic

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Beryl Island, where the Kingdom of Heliodor is located, is a large island floating in the sea.

Monsters spring out from the surrounding sea.

When this demonic beast rises to land, it settles in forests and mountains and increases in number. Then attack and kill people.

Magical beasts come in many forms, but most of them are ugly beasts. It sleeps but does not eat, and its ecology is shrouded in mystery.

Also, demon beasts have a habit of persistently attacking humans who try to go out to sea. Therefore, the people living on this island do not know what lies beyond the sea.

Hundreds of years have passed since the whole island was unified under the Kingdom of Heliodor, and there have been no major conflicts between humans, so the soldiers and armed forces possessed by the Kingdom of Heliodor are mostly for fighting magic beasts.

Its main force is the knight. He strengthens his body with magic and is a warrior who is good at fighting.

Magicians are also an important force. Not only does it attack enemies with attack magic, but it also plays an active role in a wide range of areas such as defense and support.

Magic is almost essential for fighting magical beasts, but not everyone possesses the magical power necessary to exercise it.

Therefore, families that produce high magic power are protected as a privileged class in this country. That's nobility.

"Heh, so you two went to exterminate the demon beast."

Today, for the first time in a while, His Highness and Spinel are coming to the residence of Marquis Jarrosis. Because I was told that the frogs would hatch soon.

In the years since he first came here, His Highness looks forward to this season every year.

Now that we have finished our observations, we are having a chat while drinking tea.

"It's a training with the knights.

Both His Highness and Spinel seem to have cut down several magic beasts. It seems that there were many things to learn as it was the first actual battle.

When I muttered "That's nice" unintentionally, Spinel poked out "Hey".

"Ah, no, it's not. Because magic is essential for a young lady. Fighting monsters is a noble's duty."

He usually entrusts the fight to the knights, but in case of emergency, he has to fight with swords and staffs. The magic academy is a place to learn the techniques for that purpose.

"That's right, but is there a daughter who wants to go to battle on her own?"

"That's why it's different. I don't really want to fight magic beasts. I'm good at supporting and defending, so unless it's a format that's close to actual combat, it won't be much of a training."

That's what I explained, but neither His Highness nor Spinel seem to have come to grips with it. I wonder if they don't understand well because they are both swordsmen.

“Have you two ever teamed up with a support-type magician to fight?”

"No. I haven't done much training with magicians yet."

I see.

"Then, let me show you a little bit."

I got up from my garden chair, picked up a branch and held it to Spinel.

"Try hitting that tree with that branch."

When I said that and pointed at a thick tree nearby, I used magic to create several water balls that were big enough to fit in the palm of my hand.

"let's go"


"Hyun," the branch bends and is knocked down onto the trunk of the tree.

But it was blocked by a small water shield along the way. I quickly moved the water polo with magic and turned it into a shield to block it.


"You can attack more often."


I move my water polo to block all the attacks that are launched in quick succession.

"That's a big deal."

After a while, His Highness said with admiration.

I tried to answer, "Thank you," but was blocked from the side. It's the spinel that came rushing over.

"Don't do it! Isn't it amazing you!"

Saying that, he shook my head with excitement.

"Hey, please stop! That's why you said you're good at magic!"

"No, I didn't think you'd go this far. You were amazing."

"It's one of the water defense magics. It's a technique to protect yourself without hindering the knight's vision or movement. Now it was easy to protect because it's a tree, but originally it was a one-to-many fight that moved around. It's meant to be protected, so concentration and delicate operations are required."

This precise movement is unique to magic using liquid water.

It's not very suitable for blowing enemies away like fire or wind, or building solid walls like dirt, but instead it's characteristic of water magic is that it can turn around in a small radius.

“It looks plain, but I think water magic is the best when fighting together.”

Ahh, I arched my chest.

…Hey Spinel, you looked at my chest just now and you had a moment of pity. I was watching it properly.

"Certainly, I can't practice this alone. Moreover, if it's supposed to be one-on-one, then the actual battle is the quickest, isn't it?"

“…Also, isn’t this supposed to be a fight with a specific person? Since small water shields fly around, it will be necessary for the protected side to get used to it as well so as not to be distracted. ”

…As expected of His Highness. Pretty sharp.

"Yes, that's right. This one-person technique is rarely used. Normally, I make a larger shield to protect the group, and protect a wider area a little more roughly."

"I see"

His Highness nodded at my answer.

…This is the magic I practiced in my previous life to protect His Highness.

I practiced a lot, studied hard, but in the end it was of no use.

"Shall we go back and continue with the tea?"

I smile and say so and turn my back on them.

Occasionally, this burning chest pain hits me.

He tells us that no matter how fun or peaceful it may seem, we should never forget that day.

Despair, anger, never forget.

When I sat back in my chair and reached for the cup of tea, His Highness who was sitting across from me stared at me.

"What happened?"


I dare to make a strange face and show it blankly.

Spinel doesn't seem to know what's going on.

His Highness stared at me for a moment and only said, "...it's nothing."

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