Episode 26 Entrance Ceremony

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The day of the entrance ceremony for the Magic Academy has finally arrived.

New students in brand new uniforms gather at the academy.

The uniform of the academy is a red jacket for both men and women, with trousers for boys and skirts below the knees for girls.

The color of the necktie is different for each grade, and blue for first graders. 2nd year is purple and 3rd year is green.

The Academy of Magic is an educational institution for knights and magicians run by this country. The school building and student dormitory are very close to the royal castle.

The period of study is basically 3 years. It is mainly attended by children of nobles who have turned 15, but there is no upper age limit for admission.

Even ordinary people can enter if they possess enough magic power to enter the school, but although the tuition fee is subsidized, the school of magic costs a lot of money for uniforms, dormitory fees, and teaching materials.

The royal capital also has a school for the common people, so only the very wealthy would go out of their way to choose a magic academy.

There are two types of curriculum at the Magic Academy, the Knight Course and the Magician Course. Higher magical power is required to enter the magician course.

Regarding academics and education, both courses receive common classes, but as the grade goes up, they will receive separate classes mainly in combat training.

Classification is mixed, not by course. Because many girls choose the magician course, if they were divided by course, the male-female ratio would be skewed.

The academy originally had a higher ratio of boys. In the case of lower nobles who are not very wealthy and cannot send all their children to the academy, it is common for only males, such as the eldest son, to be admitted to the academy. After graduation, many girls get married and start a family, so there is no need to force them to attend the academy.

And the nobility is overwhelmingly more of the knight's house than the magician's house. Since most students choose the same course as their hometown, the academy has a large number of male students, especially the knight course.

Students generally live in student dormitories. Most of the nobles return to their territories during the winter, so this is a measure for children to attend school while their parents are away.

As long as they submit a notification, they are free to stay out overnight, so there are some people who commute from their mansions in the royal capital, but since it is a hassle to submit a notification every day, most of them live in the dormitory.

In addition, it is possible for each employee to enter and exit the dormitory one by one.

After meeting several conditions such as 10 years of continuous service, being of the same sex, and having proof of identity, you can go in and out of the dormitory only from 6:00 am to 8:00 pm by getting a permit after being screened in advance.

For this reason, most high-ranking aristocrats raise their children with one or more exclusive servants from an early age. Cornell for me.

By the way, the prince and his servants commute from the royal palace instead of entering the dormitory due to security concerns. It's close anyway.

The entrance ceremony was held in the auditorium.

First, greetings from the president of the school. He's an old gray-haired sorceress whose story is longer than his thick beard.

Greetings from the freshman representative when I was getting sleepy. This year's representative is, of course, His Highness.

It's a splendid greeting, but I feel like the content is a bit different from my previous life. I don't remember the details.

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