Episode 28 Beauty Ranking

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“Linaria, let’s have lunch with me today.


 Confused, I smiled softly.

 Bothersome. Or rather, don't try to grill your own beef in the academy cafeteria. It would be annoying.

 The one who is inviting me is Ottore Phi Heliodor.

 The son of King Ferguson... In other words, he is a cousin to His Highness. He is one year older than me and His Highness.

 King brother Ferguson can be roughly guessed at the point when he is not on the throne despite being an older brother, but he is a person with various problems. Due to various things he did in the past, he was forced to give up the right to succeed to the throne, but this Ottore, his son, still has the right to succeed to the throne.

 His Majesty the King has only one child, so Ottore is the owner of the right of succession next to the prince, the younger brother of the king, and the younger sister of the king. His middle name, Phi, is a mark of someone with high succession to the throne. But...

 Let me be clear. I hate this guy.

 Originally, Ottore thought that his father was the king and he was supposed to be the successor, but anyway, he had a big attitude. He is very arrogant and looks down on the people around him.

 Furthermore, the spirit of rivalry against His Highness is extremely strong. Even though she can't win anyway, she competes every chance she has, and she uses dirty tricks.

 In my previous life, I, who was an attendant of His Highness, had a pretty unpleasant experience with this guy. It's okay if it's just sarcasm and backbiting, but sometimes I was harassed.

 This guy and his entourage even pushed him into the academy's pond, but His Highness, who heard the commotion and rushed to him, got furious, and since then he hasn't been involved much.

 It was the first time in my life that I saw His Highness get really angry, but I was really surprised because I was really scared. Moreover, as far as I know, His Highness never spoke to Ottore or his entourage until he graduated.

 It's scary when someone who is usually mild-mannered gets angry.

 That's why I hate this guy, but I haven't been particularly harassed by this guy so far. On the contrary, they seem to be approaching us favorably.

 Actually, I was invited to a ball and danced once.

 After all, this guy is trying to get close to me just because he wants to oppose His Highness, or to harass him. You can't be friendly.

 However, it would be too rude to turn down an invitation like today. Morning classes have just ended and there are many students around...

 Just as I was about to accept it because it can't be helped, His Highness and Spinel approached from behind Ottore.

“Ottore, I’m sorry, but Linaria has a prior appointment with me.”


 Ottore made a frankly disgusted face. It looks like he just clicks his tongue.

"...Tch. That's fine."

 This guy really hit his tongue... toward His Highness.

 While feeling annoyed inside, I bowed my head to Ottore and said, "I'm sorry."

“…Your Highness, thank you for inviting me.”

 In the dining room, I whispered my thanks to His Highness who was sitting in front of me. Because it was a lie that I had a previous engagement.

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