Episode 43 Subjugation Training 1

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 Classes at the Magic Academy include training in subjugating monsters.

 It starts with defeating magical illusions made to imitate magical beasts, then goes outside the royal capital and surrounds and defeats the magical beasts that the teacher finds in a group. That's how I gradually get used to fighting magic beasts.

 It seems that depending on the time of year, it's difficult to find the magic beasts and the training doesn't progress, but in recent years the number of monsters that appear has increased, so there's no need to worry about training. It's not a very good thing.

 Then, in the spring of the first year, large-scale demon beast subjugation training is held in the nearby forest.

 Form groups of 5 to 7 people, including one or more magicians, and go into the forest with just the students to subjugate the monsters.

 A group has at least 1 or more quotas, but an excellent team defeats 5 or more. When you become a senior student, the number of people in the group decreases and the subjugation quota increases.

 The forest where the training takes place has already been surveyed with detection magic in advance to see if there are any large magical beasts that the students can't handle.

 It's fine as long as it doesn't get surrounded by many demonic beasts, or a strong demonic beast that specializes in hiding and has passed through detection magic appears, but there have been several accidents in the past where students have died.

 Subjugating monsters is a matter of life and death.

 The day of the large-scale subjugation training.

 In order to spend time on the training itself, the movement to the site was carried out by a teleportation magic circle set up in advance by the magician of the academy.

 After everyone moved to the training ground in front of the forest and took a roll call, the teacher stated some points of caution.

"The morning search ends at 11:45. Make sure to check the time and proceed with the search so that you can be back here by then. Pay close attention to each other so that no one gets lost. In order to prevent the forest from igniting fire, the use of flame magic is prohibited.In the event of a situation that cannot be dealt with, use the beacons given to the leader and magician students. If you see a smoke signal, the nearby team will go to the rescue as much as possible.However, if you decide that it is unmanageable, you can escape.We teachers will be heading soon, so it's okay.There is a river on the north side. There is, but it's under a steep cliff, and due to the melted snow and the rain the other day, the current is fast.

 Then, hold up a small watch with a string attached.

“This clock is also a magic tool that automatically counts the number of monsters defeated. It is distributed to each leader, but it is also used to detect their whereabouts, so be careful not to lose it. , If this flashes, it's an emergency. Everyone should immediately turn back and head for the exit of the forest."

 Then I was given time for a briefing. It is the final confirmation that each group gathers.

"Everyone, please take care of me today."

 We all replied "yes" to the words of His Highness, who was dressed in a knight uniform for training and had a sword hanging from his waist.

 Thankfully, I was invited by His Highness, so I am in the same group as His Highness this time. Naturally, Spinel is also included.

 As for what to do with the remaining three members, Spinell's suggestion that "everyone bring one in will make six" was adopted.

 Nickel Pelorus was brought by His Highness.

 A classmate of the knight course, he is a bit small for a knight, but he is agile.

 He's a little restless, but I have a lot of respect for His Highness, and I have a very good impression of him.

 It seems that His Highness solved the crisis of his parents' divorce and saved him. As expected of His Highness. It seems that I briefly mentioned earlier that his parents were having problems.

 There were quite a lot of rumors about that divorce in my previous life, so I think it was good that I was able to prevent it before it became a commotion.

 I knew that I would eventually become a former scabbard, so I didn't particularly interfere, but it seems that His Highness said, "Linaria was the one who told me about this matter," and he liked me as well. target. He didn't do anything else.

 Spinel brought Semssei Sarpieri.

 He, who is somewhat dignified for the same grade, is also a classmate of the knight course.

 His family's Sapieri territory is close to our Jarosis territory, and since we're the same age, I've known him since I was little. He's a gentle person, but he's already a fiancée, so he's quite the go-getter.

 Among Spinel's friends, she has a calm personality, but they seem to get along quite well. I see her talking a lot.

 And I brought Petala Samarski.

 A classmate in the magician course, she is a quiet and modest but considerate daughter.

 We got to know each other at a tea party at Carnelia-sama's place, and have been friends since before entering the academy.

 Right after I entered school, it was a bit difficult to talk to her because I stood out too much, but now I feel relieved that we can get along just like before.

 I had a lot of trouble finding members to invite if she refused, so I'm glad she readily agreed.

 There are 4 sword-wielding knights and 2 magicians, for a total of 6 people. Each of them wore a knight's uniform and magician's robe with protective magic for training, and a pouch containing first-aid tools and emergency food was attached to the waist.

 I think the members have a good balance, and they are all people who are friendly and easy to work with.

 There is no problem in terms of ability. In the first place, when His Highness and Spinel are together, they are definitely the top group.

 Although the two of them still have little experience in actual combat, their sword skills are already top-ranked in the academy.

 Of course, I'll be there too, but I plan to take it easy so as not to stand out too much.

 The leader of the group is naturally His Highness.

"Let's confirm the formation. First of all, me and Nickel are the vanguard. In the center are the magicians Linaria and Petara. Spinel and Semsei are the rear guard. However, please keep in mind that it may change depending on the terrain and circumstances. ”


“I will have Linaria, a magician, handle the detection of magical beasts and instructions on the route. Other than that, I will basically give instructions, but if you notice anything, please feel free to tell me. The vanguard attacks.Linaria is the defense with magic, and Petara is the attack.However, I leave detailed instructions on the magic side to Linaria.」


 I nod.

"The role of the rear guard is to guard the surroundings and protect the two mages, but depending on the situation, the front guard will be able to help. From the afternoon, we plan to switch the front guard and the rear guard....Do you have any more questions?"

"No, it's okay!"

 Nickel replied cheerfully. He looks a little overwhelmed, but it's okay.

"No," said Semsei and Petala. Semsei is calm, but Petala-sama is a little nervous.

 Spinel and I also answer, "No."

 And then, the large-scale subjugation training began.

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