Episode 49

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 A few days after the subjugation training, I came to the academy library after school.

 There is a splendid royal library not far from the academy, so the number of books in this library is small.

 The books are all related to the academy's curriculum, such as magic and swordsmanship, so it's more of a place for self-study than for reading books.

 I don't come here often, but now I'm sitting at a long table facing Nickel.

 I asked him to come with me for a little reason.

 Talk to Nickel in a low voice so as not to disturb the surroundings.

"Actually, I'd like you to draw a picture of the winged serpent beast that I fought a while ago."

"Is it a picture of a demon beast?"

"Yes. Senarmont-sensei... I'd like to add this to the report I'm submitting to the Royal Magician, but I'm not good at drawing..."

 I've been bad at drawing for a long time.

 The other day, I had the opportunity to draw in art class, but it was a disaster.

 I used the school's flower bed and a cat near it as the theme, but I couldn't finish it in time, so I took it home and finished it. And when Spinel saw it, he laughed to death.

 I was aware that I couldn't say that I was doing well, but I think it's terrible to laugh until you get teary-eyed.

 His Highness said he was cute, but... I said dogs, not cats.

 I don't even know why I can draw magic circles and magic composition diagrams, but I can't draw them.

“During the class, I saw some of Nickel-sama’s drawings, and they were very good. Besides, you said that drawing is your hobby when you introduced yourself at the entrance ceremony, right?”

"Eh, yes. You remembered well."

 His mother also has a hobby of painting, so he must have learned it from her.

 That should have been one of the causes of trouble in his house, but since His Highness seems to have resolved it, I don't think it's a problem to touch it now.

"...can I have a favor?"

"... I understand! If it's okay with me!"

 I was seriously in trouble, so when I looked at him with the feeling that I wanted him to take over, Nickel blushed a little, but he agreed. Thank you.

 Using the paper and pencil I gave her, Nickel quickly draws a line.

 very. quick. In a blink of an eye, the figure of a winged serpent with its wings spread and its neck raised appears on the paper.

"Wow...! That's amazing! You're really good at it!"

"Well, not even that much..."

 When I praised him, Nickel smiled embarrassedly.

"It's just a useless hobby..."

"That's not true, it's really amazing. I think you can be proud of yourself."

 I can't imitate it. When I said that from the bottom of my heart, Nickel pulled his mouth in a straight line and moved it around.

 It seems that he is very happy. Have you ever received so many compliments?

“That way I can get a sense of the overall atmosphere and size, and also a two-sided drawing…well, I want you to draw a view of the snake from directly above and from the side. will add annotations, so it's easy."

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