Episode 19

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In the spring of my 15th year, I returned to the royal capital.

In September of this year, he will enter the magic academy and learn practical magic and tactics in addition to academics.

However, before that, there is a big event for the children of the nobility who turned 15 this year.

It's a ball debut.

Around mid-August, it will be held at the royal palace in the form of a party to celebrate the entrance to the magic academy.

There is also the implication of meeting the students before entering school, and most of them will make their ball debut there.

The focus here is on the opponent of each first dance. There is an unwritten rule among aristocrats that the first dance should be done with the person in mind.

In particular, those who do not have a partner often dance with their relatives.

There are some people who don't pre-determine their opponents and choose them on the spot, but they are a minority.

There are also those who make dramatic productions by not making any promises but suddenly applying on the day of the event. It's a feat that requires a lot of self-confidence, but if it succeeds, it will attract a lot of attention and will be respected by the students at the academy.

For aristocrats, the academy is not just a place to learn, it is also a place to find a marriage partner.

Of course, it doesn't necessarily mean that you will get engaged or married to the person you danced your first dance to. However, what kind of partner you choose here will have a considerable impact on the start of your academy life.

who to dance with who to invite

For 15-year-olds who are about to enter school, this is the number one concern right now.

It was about two weeks after I came to the royal capital that His Highness and Spinel, accompanied by an escort, visited the mansion of Marquis Jalosis.

It's been half a year since we've seen each other, and it's the first time this year.

"Good evening, Your Highness Esmerald, Spinel. It's been a long time. I'm glad that both of you are in good health."

At the age of 15, Prince Esmeraldo seems to have grown up and become stronger. Not only has she grown taller, but I think her shoulders have gotten a little wider as well.

"It's been a while. I'm glad you're doing well."

"thank you"

His Highness returned the greeting while narrowing his eyes slightly dazzlingly, and Spinel also bowed politely, saying, "Long time no see."

Spinel seems to have grown even taller. Come to think of it, this guy is quite tall...I wonder who was taller than the adult Prince...

I was thinking about it for a moment, but Spinel gave me a "?"

"Come on inside."

I'll have to watch the frogs later today. While drinking tea on the terrace, we exchanged brief updates.

"Are you ready for the party already?"

"Yes. I've already ordered a new dress, and it should arrive before a month."

The mother and servants called a tailor and enthusiastically selected something. I don't know anything about dresses, so I'll leave everything to you.

"I'm fine with dancing now."

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