Episode 18 A New Friendship

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That night, I heard a small knock and gently opened the door to my room.

"... Spinel"

"... bad. Can I have a minute?"

I had a feeling he was coming to visit me, so I nodded silently.

I went inside and urged him to sit on a chair, but Spinel stopped as soon as he entered the room.

I laughed a little when I realized that he was wondering if I should follow the knight's teaching that "When you're alone in a woman's room, leave the door slightly open so as not to raise suspicion." rice field.

I guess he came to visit me in the middle of the night because he didn't want people to hear about it. Surprisingly, it seems that he is not used to this kind of place.

"I trust you, so it's okay to close the door."


Spinel awkwardly closed the door and sat down in the chair across from me.

“First of all, I apologize.

"I'm sure you're saying it's enough. I had my faults, too."

"You are not bad"

"No. … Besides, you must have had a hard time too, right?"

I can't forget the tearful look on Spinel's face when he saw me back this morning.

In addition, after the search was temporarily suspended, Spinel waited by the rocks even at night.

Nominally he's my brother's escort, but I'm sure he's been waiting for me out of his own volition. Is it an act of responsibility?

A weary brother who waits for his missing sister with a ray of hope.

A man who could not help his sister (although it was my own will).

…The air that flowed there was hell as you can imagine. I don't think I blamed my brother because he's kind, but that's much more painful.

The knights who were with him must have been a needlepoint too... I'll ask her name later and say thank you...

"Aside from me... No, that's fine. Besides that, I have one more thing to apologize for."

Spinel said and kept his mouth shut.

"What is an apology?"


He wanders his gaze uncomfortably and remains silent for a while.

Then, resolutely, he raised his head and looked me clearly in the eye.

“…I told His Highness that.…If the same thing happens, I will definitely help His Highness.”

Silence falls in the room.

"...do you bother to say that?"

I dare say it coldly. But Spinel didn't take his eyes off me.

"That's right....Of course, I'll do my best to help both of them. I'll train more and become stronger....But if I really had to choose between the two, I would choose His Highness. So, I'm sorry."

I let out a sigh.

… He doesn't need to tell me this.

It is his duty and mission to protect His Highness no matter what anyone says. I have no right to blame him, and I have no intention of blaming him. There is no one other than His Highness who can be blamed.

But he dared to tell me that and then apologize to me.

What can I say, if not sincere?

"...Honestly, it was helpful."

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