Episode 45 Subjugation Training 3

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 After running for a while, I could see that the front was bright and open.

 You must have reached the northern end of the forest. There should be a cliff ahead.

"There it is! It's a demon beast!"

 His Highness in the lead shouted and pulled out his sword while running.

 Each of the others draws their swords, and Petara-sama and I concentrate on cultivating magic so that we can use magic at any time.

 When I passed through the trees, I saw a large blue-black snake.

 Even with the sickle raised, it would be more than 2 meters high. It has wings on its back that are smaller than its body length. His flight ability is low.

 Streng points his long sword at the serpent. There is another male student with a sword, but he appears injured and is on his knees.

 Sitting near the cliff behind the snake appears to be Aragona. It's dirty here and there, but I'm a little relieved that it doesn't seem to be that big of an injury.

"I'm here to help you!!"

 The student who was kneeling and Aragona-sama turned around to hear His Highness calling out. Streng doesn't look like a snake opponent.


 cried Aragona.

“Agen-sama is under the cliff…! At this rate, he will be swept away!”

 did you fall in the river? It's not bad, it seems better to hurry.

 But first, we need to ensure the safety of Aragona-sama.

"I will pull the demon beast closer to you! Please be careful of the distance!"



 Without waiting for an answer from each, I summoned a large quantity of water. There is a forest here and a river nearby, so there is a lot of moisture and it is easy to call water.

 Aim between Aragona-sama and the snake, and drop water in a way that creates a wall.

 I think I heard Aragona-sama's scream, but I want you to endure some splashes.

 The snake magic beast twists its body to avoid the water behind it. The tail was swung and slammed, and the strength was blown away.


 Despite the groans, Streng is also a fine knight. He seems to have accepted it with difficulty. But he probably won't be able to move anytime soon.

 The snake opened its mouth with sharp fangs and let out a roar as it headed towards us. Facing it head-on, His Highness gives instructions.

"I will draw your attention! Spinel, nickel!"

"all right!"


 I also shout while calling out a lot of water polo.

"I will stop you! Petala-sama, please aim for my eyes!"


"Please step down!"

 Hearing my shout, the male student who was on his knees stumbled back. The wound seems to be a little deep, but I have no choice but to postpone the healing.

 I dared not hit the snake itself, and finely manipulated a number of water balls, moving it around where the snake was trying to go.

 There are also multiple water balls floating in the sky, so it should be difficult to escape by flying in the sky. Surrounded by water polo, the snake that was nailed to the spot twisted its body in frustration.

 Spinel and Nickel swiftly and repeatedly slashed at the huge body of the snake.

 It doesn't seem like the defense is that high. Gradually increase the number of injuries.

 His Highness constantly moved left and right, avoiding or repelling the fangs that attacked him, while maintaining his position in front of the snake and continuing to attract attention. It must be a lot of pressure, but it's amazing courage.

 Little by little, the damage to the snake accumulates. If it's true, I'd like to cut it to death as it is, but I have to hurry.

 I make a decision as I watch the aroused Streng turn toward the serpent again.

"Spinel, stop the snake's movement! Can you escape with Aragona?"

"Oh. I'll try."

 Spinel immediately nodded.

"Miss Nickel, Miss Streng, keep the serpent's attention until Spinel rescues Miss Aragona! Especially the tail!"



 Nickel and Strength reply.

"Petara-sama, prepare for defensive magic. When I give the signal, please ask Nickel-sama and Streng-sama to create a barrier!"


 And then, finally, I call on His Highness.

“Your Highness!!”

 His Highness, who parried the snake's attack and jumped back, looked back at me for a moment.

“Your Highness, please give me a snake head!…Please, me.”

"Okay. I believe you."

 …Believe me, I thought I would say that.

 His Highness answered before that. How did you know what I meant?

 I forcibly suppress the sentiment that seems to well up unintentionally.

 I yelled while shooting water polo.

"Now! Go!"

 A snake roared after being hit by several water polo.

 Spinel rushes out and tries to get behind the snake.

 The snake tried to move to stop the spinel, but I manipulated the surrounding vines and restrained the snake's body. Streng and Nickel attack the struggling tail, and His Highness attacks the sickle neck.

 The serpent roared wildly and tore off several vines.

 A running Spinel picks up Aragona-sama and escapes. As soon as she sees she's got enough distance, she skips her instructions.

"Nickel-sama, Streng-sama, back down! Petala-sama, the barrier!"


 A wall of light wraps Nickel and Strength that jump behind.

"Your Highness, head!"


 His Highness takes a big step forward.

 I concentrated and glared at the snake.

"O flames, pillars that pierce the heavens! 』

 Roar, and the huge body of the snake is wrapped in a large pillar of flame.

 At the same time, the body of His Highness, who had jumped high, glowed faintly.


 The snake, which received a flash of horizontal sweeping, stopped its movement.

 After a pause of a few seconds, the snake's neck slipped off… it rolled to the ground and burst into flames.

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