Episode 41

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 A new semester has begun.

 The number of students coming to school is less than usual. This is because those whose territory is far away will be delayed by several days in returning to the royal capital.

 I found His Highness' back in front of me. Beside him is not the usual spinel, but a guard knight.

 After the New Year's parade is over, the prince's attendants will be on New Year's holiday, so Spinel probably hasn't returned to the capital yet.

 I tried to call out to His Highness, but I saw Agen and Streng before me.

 All right. Today, this is the first person in front of His Highness.


 When I called out to him, Agen turned around with a face like "Oh?".

 I pinch the skirt of my school uniform and gracefully bow my head.

"Happy New Year, Agen-sama. Your eyes are beautiful today, like the god of the fountain of wisdom. The battle maiden's heart will flutter, and the spirit of the fountain will burn with jealousy. You seem to be full, so I'm sure you had a good rest.

 how is it The other day, I was told that I didn't have the vocabulary to compliment someone's appearance, so I read a book on rhetoric at the library and studied it.

 After hearing my greeting, Agen blinked his eyes and then covered his mouth and spouted out.

 … why are you laughing?

"Ki-kun, I thought it was unusual for you to call out to me... Is that what you meant to say?"

“…I just greeted him normally.”

 Unexpectedly, Agen was trembling while holding his mouth and stomach as if he couldn't stand it anymore.

 Hey, what's going on

 When I glanced at the strength behind Agen, he quickly averted his eyes from me. …Isn’t your mouth twitching too?

"Well, I think it's rude...?"

 Was my greeting that strange? There are people who say this much.

 But being laughed at so much makes me feel embarrassed. Even though I studied hard, I gradually lost my confidence.

"... Enough. I'll go, so then."

 When I tried to leave the place while realizing that I was blushing a little, Agen stopped me in a bit of a panic.

"I-I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Um, happy new year, Linaria. I wish you all the best this year."

 I just lost all desire to greet you.

 But I can't say that, so I tried my best to smile.

"Yes. Thank you very much!"

 I think it's force majeure that the ending has become a little tight.

 There, a young lady approached.

 Blonde hair, gray eyes, and a gentle smile. Her classmate Aragona-sama.

“Agen-sama, happy new year.”

"Oh happy new year"

 She greeted Agen with a beautiful courtesy. Then turn to me.

“Linaria-sama, I wish you a happy new year.

"Thank you very much."

 As I lowered my head, Aragona-sama smiled softly.

“By the way, Linaria-sama, it seems that His Highness the Prince is waiting over there.”

 When I look over there with my gaze prompting me, His Highness seems to be stopping and looking at me.

"Well... I'm sorry, good evening everyone."

 I honestly wanted to leave, so I was saved. Hurry up and head to His Highness.

 Hmm, Aragona-sama seems to be kind at first glance, and she's a smart, polite and excellent lady, but she's a little weak.

 It's always a perfect smile, but somehow I feel pressure.

 I know the cause of this. Certainly, in her previous life, she was engaged to Agen while she was at the academy.

 Even in this world, she should be close to Agen, so I don't think it's funny that Agen is messing with me about what she's thinking. …it should be.

 I've given up on reading the subtleties of other people's love affairs because the people around me were amazed that Sylvin-sama didn't realize that she liked Spinel. If so, I don't know what to believe.

 Even in my previous life, I didn't realize that my classmates had become a couple before I knew it...

 How do you know that? I'm at a loss because there's no way I can study this.

 When I approached, His Highness looked at the knight beside him and said, "This is enough."

 The knight bowed to His Highness and me and left towards the school gate.

"Good morning, Your Highness."

"Good morning, Linaria."

 After returning the greeting, His Highness moved his mouth as if he wanted to say something.

"What's up?"

"No... I was wondering what you were talking about with Agen."


 His Highness looks a little troubled at me who was unconsciously mushy.

"Oh, it's really nothing. I just said hello."

 I hurriedly wave my hand in denial. …Maybe I was worried?

“…I see.

 It's okay, Your Highness.

 He's harmless so far, unlike Ottore. I don't mind it.

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