Episode 8 Blue Rose

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“…is this a punishment game for His Highness?”

"Yes. You made a bet the other day."

Esmerald and Spinel will give Linaria a question, and if she makes a mistake, Linaria will be punished. If all questions were answered correctly, Esmerald and Spinel would be a penalty game.

"I promised to listen to whatever you said. Spinel stopped preaching and there was no punishment game, but I haven't done anything yet."

"Now that you mention it, it was. Hmm... But the punishment game for His Highness..."

"Is there anything you want me to do?"

"Nothing in particular."


Spinel followed Esmerald, who was a little depressed after being told that it wasn't easy.

"There's no such thing as nothing. As long as you don't say anything unreasonable, anything is fine."

"Wait, I'll think about it now. Um..."

Linaria closed her eyes, twisted her neck, and thought for a while.

"... Oh! That's right! Would you like to take me back to the rose garden in the backyard?"

Linaria who suddenly raised her face said so.

Speaking of the backyard rose garden, it's the place where the three of them walked together when Linaria first visited the castle.

Spinel's face becomes strangely grinning.

"Oh, that's a very reasonable request for you. Isn't it good?"

"What do you mean"

"I thought you would definitely say something more outlandish."

"You tell me. I like roses."

"Is that so"

I didn't know she was particularly fond of roses, as she was interested in plants in general. She'll remember, Esmerald thought.

"But you've been here many times, haven't you? Is that really okay?"


"Okay. Let me show you around."

"It doesn't matter if you have time. Thank you."

A few weeks later, Esmerald invited Linaria to the castle's rose garden.

Spinel isn't here today because he has something to do with his family. It's safe inside the castle, and today it's just Linaria and Esmerald without an escort.

Early roses are blooming in the rose garden now. In order to enjoy the flowers for a long time, this rose garden is planted with a lot of roses that bloom at different times.

Linaria was walking while looking at the roses with a smile on her face.

Unexpectedly, her steps seemed to be lighter than usual, and her soft bluish silver hair was swaying.

Seeing her like that made Esmerald smile.

Before long, Linaria stopped in a corner of the rose garden and stared intently at the blooming roses there.

It's a large rose with a slightly strange color, like a very pale blue, like a pale purple.

"... Um, Your Highness... Actually, I have a request."

Linaria timidly opens her mouth.


"May I see the gardener who manages this rose garden?"

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