Chapter 1 - The Avengers ⧗

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Pierce stormed into my cell slamming the door behind him. "Y/N, we have a mission for you."

"Ready to comply, sir," I replied quickly. 

My voice no longer sounded like my own.
Well, it wasn't my own anymore.
It was Hydra's.

"Good. Now we have been informed that the Avengers are on their way, we want you to deal with them. No survivors, understood?" he spat, knowing I had no other choice but to agree.

"Yes sir."

"Go! Now!" he yelled; his harsh voice shaking the building.

The Avengers broke through the thick walls of concrete entering the hydra base with ease. I led the attack followed by numerous soldiers. We charged into the group, fighting them to the best of our ability. Blood dripped from our faces, staining the soil beneath our feet as we kicked and punched with only a few landing. I pulled myself onto the back of a van. Bullets danced around me, missing me by centimetres. Captain America threw his bike at the front of the van causing the usually loud engine to stop with a depressing whine. The van flipped forward, flinging the soldiers around like confetti. I landed on the floor as the world faded to black.

I peeled open my eyes. I turned my head looking around at my new surroundings. 

I was sat in a small cell with handcuffs binding my wrists together. A redhead was stood in front of me. Her short hair bounced around her shoulders as she sat down, not letting her emerald eyes leave mine. 

"Ah! You're awake," her voice, soft like butter, echoed around the room. "How are you feeling?" she continued.

"Where am I?" I questioned.

"You're at the Avengers Compound. I am agent Romanoff, but you can call me Nat."

I stared at her for a moment before grinning. "Target acquired," 

Her face dropped and eyes widened before she quickly hurried out the room. The echoe of her footsteps were the only clue she was ever there as she disappeared out of sight.

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