Chapter 6 - The Kitchen ⧗

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Me and Nat walked into the kitchen. 

Already, people were gathered, eagerly waiting for Wanda to finish cooking. 

The kitchen had marble countertops and cupboards galore, covering each surface. In the middle of the room was a small island with a few stools dotted around. A bowl sat on this island as Wanda stirred the mixture with a black spoon. She looked up as she saw me and Nat walk in and smiled. Everyone else followed her gaze, stopping their eyes upon me. 

"Hey Y/N, did you get settled in alright? Dinner is almost ready," she said smiling a beautiful grin.

"Yeah thanks," I replied, avoiding everyone's eyes but hers and smiled back.

"Let's go meet the others," Nat muttered so only I could hear her. I looked up at her anxiety coating my face. I fought past it and nodded smiling bashfully.

She led me over to a group of people who were all talking.

"Hey Romanoff and Newbie," Tony jeered. I glanced at Nat slightly confused and a little taken aback by this name.

"Don't worry about him. He gives a lot of nicknames," she slightly rubbed my back as she reassured me.

"Hey, I'm Steve!" one person said. He was tall with light blonde hair. He politely smiled but I could tell it would be easier if I wasn't there.

"I'm Dr Bruce Banner," a second person said as they introduced themselves. He, like Tony, had dark rolling hair but this time he had grey spectacles resting upon his nose. He, again, smiled politely but in a warm welcome kind of way. As they introduced themselves, I muttered their superhero name desperately trying to remember each person.

"Hi! I'm Peter Parker! It's so great to meet you! What's your name?" The third replied. He was a teenager. He had innocent brown eyes and short brown hair. He looked quite sweet and kind. I smiled as I replied.

"Uh, hi. Nice to meet you all. I'm Y/N," I looked at Peter as I said this. It felt dumb but I kinda felt like Peter was already my friend: either that or he is just naturally incredibly polite and sweet.

"Dinner is ready!" Wanda trilled, breaking up the awkward encounter. 

We all sat at the dining table tucking into the meal. Nat sat to the left of me and Peter to the right. I kept my eyes down on my plate, not letting them wonder astray desperately avoiding unnecessary eye contact.

"Hey Tony, can I borrow your card? The girls need a shopping trip," Nat exclaimed, subtly pointing at me.

"Only if you promise not to max it out again in three hours Romanoff," he replied. I grinned, imagining that scenario.

"Of course I won't," Nat sheepishly answered, lowering her head.

I twirled my fork around the plate not eating much, only occasionally putting the fork in my mouth. 

"You ok Y/N? You're not eating," Nat muttered in my ear not wanting to draw anymore attention to me.

"Yeah I'm ok. I'm just not used to having this much food," I explained honestly as I avoided her eyes. "Is it ok if I go to my room?" I asked, desperate to leave everyone's staring eyes.

She nodded before saying "Of course sweetheart. You know where I'll be if you need anything."

I tucked the chair under the table and quickly left the room trampling up the stairs, only stopping when I reached my bedroom door. I opened and closed the door carefully, trying to not make any noise and walked towards the bed. I pulled open the sheets and climbed in. I nestled in the bed keeping all my limbs touching so I would feel safe. I laid against the pillow and within seconds I was dragged into the world of sleep.

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