Chapter 19 - Gifts ⧗

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Nat stayed hugging me, holding me close as I cried into her shoulder. As the time passed, I started to calm down and the tears subsided before halting to a stop. I pulled away from her and stood up. I looked at myself in the mirror.

I looked hideous. I had red puffy eyes and was covered in tears and snot. Nat stood up and leant against the wall watching me. She passed me some tissues. I smiled at her and tried to clean myself up as much as I could. I threw the tissues away and left the bathroom.

I collapsed onto my bed. The mattress bounced slightly from the sudden weight before calming down. Nat followed me and sat next to me. Silence took hold of the room. 

A loud phone pinged, interrupting the peace and stillness in the room. Nat pulled from her trousers pocket her phone. She scowled at her message.

She put it away and turned to me.

"I have to go. Fury wants me to do some work. Will you be ok?" she exhaled.

I could tell she didn't want to leave me. 

I turned to her meeting her emerald eyes. I could see how annoyed she was that she had to leave. 

"Yeah, I'm fine." I replied.

"Ok," she took my hand and squeezed it. She clung to my fingers not wanting to let go. She sighed and dropped my hand. She stood up and walked to the door. She turned back to me. "Bye," she said sadly.

"Bye," I muttered back.

She walked out and closed the door behind her. 

I stayed sitting on the bed for a while. 

I lightly peeled up my shirt exposing the bandages covering my stomach. I ripped them off my body and looked at the wound. It looked ok. No infection or redness, thank god. I wrapped them back around my body tightly. I pulled open the duvet and slipped into bed. 

I wrapped the blankets around me. The pillow was as soft as a cloud and the blankets all warm from me sitting on them. I stared up at the ceiling, running everything through my mind. So much had happened!

Nat POV 

I burst into Bucky's bedroom, not caring to knock. 

"What the hell happened?" I shouted. 

Bucky looked up shocked and surprised to see me standing at the door. I glared at him, clenching my fists doing everything in my power not to hurl myself at him. 

"We were at Hydra together. I triggered some bad memories for her," he said looking up at me. 

I could tell the guilt was eating him alive. 

I leant against the doorframe and began to calm down. 

"What memories?" I asked, still staring at him.

"It's not my place to say Nat. She will tell you when she's ready," he said, standing his ground. 

Why couldn't he just tell me for fucks sake?

I stormed out the room, slamming the door loudly behind me. I stomped down the stairs feeling my anger scream within me. 

I hurried into the training room.

Empty, thank god.

I threw on some boxing gloves and headed to the punching bag. 

Cap had been in here as a new punching bag had been hung up.

I punched it as hard as I could, letting out all my anger. My anger flowed out of my body concentrating in my fists escaping each time I hit the bag.


A soft knock at my door awoke me.

I sat up and rubbed my sore eyes. "Come in." I called, trying to sound normal.

The door swung open and in walks a girl.

What was her name? 

I thought for a second, trying to remember. 

Pepper, that's it!

"Hey sweetie. I've brought the things you asked for!" She bustled in and placed the things on my desk.

"Oh. Thank you," I said a bit too quietly. 

She smiled at me softly.

"No problem! Let me know if there's anything else I can do for you," she said before leaving swiftly.

I hurried to my desk and hid some of the things in the drawer and cupboard underneath. I grabbed a few of the things and headed to the door. 

I stood in the hallway, trying to remember the way to her room. I stared at one door. "I think it's that one," I muttered to myself. I took a deep breath praying it's that door and knock loudly.

"Come in!" she calls. 

Good, it is the right door.

I opened the door and walked in. I saw Wanda sitting on her bed as she put her phone down next to her.

"Hey Y/N are you ok?" she asked, eyeing the things in my hands.

"Yeah thanks. I'm sorry about before," I started walking over to her before sitting down next to her on the bed. "I got something for you," I explained. 

I passed her the blue card with 'I'm sorry' written on it and the bunch of flowers. She looked at the card and sniffed the flowers.

"I am really sorry about what happened the other day," I said guiltily avoiding eye contact as I started to play with my fingers.

"Thank you! But you didn't have to do this," she said putting down the flowers and card, looking at me.

"I know but I felt bad," I said, feeling tears brimming again.

"Oh honey," she said. She wrapped her arms around me, hugging me tightly. "Thank you so much for these Y/N," she said once she let go, gesturing to the flowers.

"No problem!" I said taking advantage of Pepper's phrase. She smiled, probably knowing I had never used that phrase before. "Bye," I called as I left the room.

She waved and said bye too. 

I headed back to my room and grabbed a few more things and left again looking for Nat's room.

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