Chapter 49 and 50 - Fist and Tears

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Thor handed me, Nat and Wanda a drink which he quickly made. I followed Nat's lead and we sat along the edge of the room on a couple of grey sofas with white and black cushions on top of them. 

I sipped my drink and played with my fingers as Nat spoke to various guests. 

After a while, I noticed a man staring at me and Nat. He had black glasses balancing on his nose with a short black moustache which curled around his lips. He was in a navy tuxedo with a white tie and mud caked shoes. His bronze eyes shimmered across my body and quickly looked away once he saw I was looking at him. He sipped his drink as he tried to remove the creepy grin off his face. His thick eyebrows raised as he shot looks at me every now and again.

I looked down at the floor and looked around the room trying to conceal my nervousness.

Suddenly, a figure burst into the room making everyone look up and go quiet.

He had long black hair that drooped over his shoulders with a wide grin which made his white teeth sparkle under the glow of the disco lights. His blue eyes were wide as his brows rested gently along his forehead. He brought a large bottle of Bourbon to his pale lips and grinned freakishly as he drank.

"Hello Avengers! Did ya miss me?" He chuckled, clearly drunk.

"What are you doing here?" Thor stood up and carefully approached the man.

"Who is that?" I whispered and gestured my head to him.

"That's Loki. He's Thor's brother. God of Mischief," Nat explained as she rigorously watched his every mood.

"This could end badly," Wanda whispered to herself as she took another swig of her drink. "You ready?" Wanda said louder.

"I'm always ready!" Nat replied as she glanced at Wanda.

"Wait. I'm confused. What's happening?" I looked at both women before looking back over at Loki and Thor.

"Nothing... yet. But Loki usually means trouble!" Nat downed her drink and began to pour another. "Let's go speak to Tony!" Nat said to Wanda as they stood. "We'll be back in a minute," Nat said as she smiled before walked over to where Tony was.

I bounced my legs as I waited for them. I played with the material of the sofa and the fibres of the dress as I pined for them to come back. I tried to push all the thoughts away as I shifted my focus on different things in an attempt to calm down and distract myself.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see the strange man stand up and begin to approach me. I tensed every muscle in my body and nearly broke my glass in the process. I stayed looking at the floor, ignoring him.

The sofa shifted slightly as he sat down and began to talk to me.
My mind was so full that I wasn't listening to him.

Suddenly, his warm fingers placed themselves on my thigh making me jump as tears welled in my eyes. I flinched away and shifted further from him.

"Get away from her!" Steve yelled and ran over to us, turning everyone's attention away from Loki and to me.

Steve's fist struck across the man's face making him groan as Steve's anger took hold. Nat ran over and grabbed my hands as tears dripped down my face.

"What happened? Are you ok?" Nat rapidly asked as her eyes hurried over mine rapidly.

"I'm fine Nat. I'm just going to go upstairs." I pulled away and walked out of the room. My hands were shaking and breaths rigid as I hurried up the stairs and out of view.

Pounding footsteps followed close behind me. 

"Y/N wait up!" I heard Nat call.

"No Nat. Go back to the party and have fun! I'll be fine. I promise," I stopped and looked at her with a small smile.

"Are you sure?" Nat bit at her lip nervously.

"Yeah! I don't want to ruin your night. Go have fun! I promise that if I need you, I'll text you!" I replied.

"Ok sweetheart. I'll see you soon!" She walked over to me and took my hands again and intertwined her fingers with mine. Her lips softly placed themselves against mine and I kissed her back. After a moment, she pulled away. "Bye!" She whispered against my lips. 

I smiled softly and walked away as she did the same.

I hurried up the last flight of stairs and threw myself into my room, slamming the door shut.

My chest tightened as the monster of anxiety took over my body. I paced across the room and placed my hands against my chest as I tried to calm myself down. My breaths were quick and rigid as my body heaved as it struggled to get enough oxygen. Tears flooded my face and dripped to the floor like raindrops. Flashbacks filled my mind, making it impossible to breathe let alone calming down. I slipped away from reality as I relived my worst memories.

I collapsed to the floor as my body spasmed with shakes. I dragged my body to the corner of the room and wrapped my arms around my knees.

After a few minutes, I hear the click of the door opening then closing but don't even look up, convinced I'm hearing things as I clasp my hands over my ears trying to stop everything.

Strong arms wrap themselves around me as I hyperventilated. I pulled away quickly and backed myself closer to the wall. Their hands reached for mine and pulled them away from my ears so I could hear them.

"Ssh, hey! It's ok doll. You're safe! I've got you!" Bucky's soft soothing voice made its way to my ears as I desperately fought with the flashbacks, trying to distinguish what was reality and what was nothing but a memory.

"Stop them Bucky. Please," I stuttered and begged as I stayed looking down.

"You're not there anymore. You're ok. You're safe, I promise," Buck reassured me.

I collapsed into his arms and sobbed. His strong arms pulled me closer as I cried into his arms. Discreetly, he pulled his phone out of his pocket and messaged Nat, telling her everything.

Memories refused to stop as I fought a long hard battle with my own mind.

I heard the click of the door again as another pair of hands graced my skin.

"Hey baby! I'm here. I'm right here. Bucky and I are here with you. You're not alone sweetheart!" Nat said as I grabbed for her hands.

Bucky moved slightly so Nat could hold and comfort me too.

I focused on the way their hands felt on my skin and their soft words and slowly I began to calm down.

"I'm sorry," I whispered. "So sorry."

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