Chapter 55 and 56 - Poptarts and Car

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"So, what's up?" I asked, pulling at my fingers as I waited for an answer.

"I just want to give you a check up and check your heart." Bruce explained as he finished packing some stuff away before walking over with a folder in his hands. "You're looking much better and I'm really glad you've been eating better. How are you feeling?" He picked up a pen as he waited for my response.

"Yeah, I've been feeling much better!" I smiled as I shifted foot to foot.

"Have you had any issues with your heart rate?" He asked as he flipped the pen in his hands.

"Not really. I had a panic attack last night so it spiked but I felt alright afterwards." I explained as he nodded and listened closely.

"Ok, well I'll do an ECG and see if it's improved." Bruce answered as he made some notes in the file. "Lay back please!"

I sat on the bed before laying down, being propped up as I focused on staying calm. Bruce moved my shirt slightly so he could attach the wires and stickers and then attaching them to the monitor. He studied them for a few minutes and then copied some of the numbers into the folder.

"Your numbers are looking much better now! You can now start to use your powers again!" Bruce smiled as he shut the folder. "We also need to test that the mind control reversal worked but I will need Bucky's help for that!"

"Ok! Does this mean I can finally start training again?" I asked as my fingers danced alongside each other as I fiddled, trying to keep myself focused.

"As long as you take it steady and don't overdo it." Bruce answered as he adjusted his glasses.

"Awesome! Thank you Bruce!" I grinned and sat up.

"It's no problem!" 

Bruce started to remove all the wires, putting them away nice and neatly.

"See you soon Y/N! Take care!" He called as I left with a smile, feeling slightly calmer.

I walked into the kitchen and became lost in my thoughts, until one stuck to me. I filled a glass with water and grabbed some food out of the fridge. I grabbed a small blue box labelled pop tarts. They looked alright. I laughed when I saw the line on the side, clearly written by Thor. I grabbed two or three and placed the box back. I grabbed a couple more items and headed upstairs with both the food and drink.

I knocked on Peter's door as I wiped my mouth, making sure no crumbs were left.

"Come in!" He called and I pushed the door open slowly.

"Hey Pete! How are you feeling?" I asked with a smile as I shut the door.

"Like I've been hit by a bus!" He replied. 

His voice was all muffled as he had about twenty blankets over the top of him almost like he decided to make a burrow.

"Haha! Well, I brought you some food and some water. I thought you might want something." I said and placed the plate and glass on his polished bedside table.

"Thanks Y/N!" He smiled slightly as he groaned in pain from being hungover. "Is Mr Stark mad at me?" He slowly sat up with blankets wrapped over his head and looked at the food. He sipped the water steadily.

"I don't think so. But he's definitely mad at Thor!" I chuckled making Peter grin.

"Oh god!" Peter blushed as he covered his face with his hands. "Where is everyone?" He asked after a few seconds as he slumped against his headboard.

"Trying to find Loki." I sat down on his bed as I answered him.

"What's Loki done?" Peter raised his eyebrows in confusion as he nibbled one of the poptarts.

"He stole some Iron Man suits from Tony's workshop." I replied as I brushed some hair away from my neck.

"Oh." Peter exhaled as he smirked at the taste of the poptart.

"Yeah... Anyway, I need to go find Pepper. I'll let you get some rest!" I stood up with a soft smile as I headed to the door.

"Thanks Y/N!" Peter called as I shut the door behind me.

I headed downstairs and found Pepper.

"Hey sweetie! You ok?" She asked gently.

She was flicking through a magazine but put it down once she saw me. Her bracelets swung helplessly as she placed it on the sofa and they were perfectly matching with her outfit. The golden jewellery accentuated her golden locks and her golden belt that was wrapped around her blue denim shorts. She was also wearing a white button up and a golden locket.

"Hey! Yeah, I'm ok, thanks! I have a question?" I perched on the sofa near her as she looked at me with a soft smile.

"Ok? What is it?" Pepper inquired.

"I was wondering if you could help me with something?" I looked up at her. 

She was listening and waiting for me to continue patiently.
No one had ever listened to me like that!

"I want to surprise Nat and take her somewhere but I can't drive."

"Yeah, sure! I'll get Happy to drive you. Are you going tonight?" Pepper squeezed my hand gently as she continued smiling.

"Yeah, if that's ok?" I bit my lip as I waited for a response.

"It's no problem! I'll tell him to pick you up out the front. Here, take this!" She reassured me before she pulled something out of her pocket.

She passed me one of Tony's bank cards.

"Have fun!" She exclaimed excitedly as I smiled, finally feeling totally happy.

"Thanks Pepper!"

I grinned and she pulled me into a gentle hug. I hugged her back feeling totally at ease.

"Go get ready my lovely and have an amazing time!" Pepper said after she pulled away.

I grinned and headed upstairs.

I had a quick shower, washing my hair and body with vanilla shampoo and lavender bodywash.

I stepped out and wrapped a huge light blue towel around my body and looked at myself in the mirror. I grimace at what I see as my fingers caressed the large bruise on my neck.

"I wonder if..." My voice trails away as I focused on the energy flowing out of my body. I watch as the bruise fades away before being reduced to nothing. I grin as I see my skin is all clear now.

A few hours later, the booming of the Quinjet landing filled the compound. I ran out of my room, down the halls and up the steps to go welcome Nat back.

"Hey baby!" Nat grinned as I ran into her open arms.

She chuckled as I pulled her into me. She wrapped her arms around me and kissed my head as I basked in the moment.

"Hi!" I pulled away but kept hold of her hands. "That was fast! Did you get Loki?" I asked as I looked into Nat's forest eyes.

"Yeah! Thor has taken him back to Asgard," Nat smiled as we admired each other.

"I've got a surprise! Follow me!" I giggled and smirked as I led Nat away, keeping hold of her hand, totally relaxing at the feeling of her skin against my own.

We go to the front of the compound and out the door. I see Happy standing by a black car. Nat looks at me confused.

I open the door for Nat and gesture her in. She shakes her head, grinning and climbs in and I hurry over to the other side, jumping in as Happy starts the engine.

"Where are we going?" Nat asked as she placed her hand onto my thigh, tracing small circles as we both completely relax.

"You'll see!"

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